Home AR-15 AR-15 Magazine Unboxing Standard Capacity 30-round mags like a Free American with...

AR-15 Magazine Unboxing Standard Capacity 30-round mags like a Free American with Rights


Unboxing some new AR-15 magazines, like a free American. Magpul Pmags, C Products Defense, and AR-Stoner magazines. Made in USA.

Reviews upon request.

Edit: I meant to say the AR-15 is the #1 selling rifle in the US, not the world. Oops.

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  1. To those of you who live in one of the communist states like Massachusetts or New Jersey where they restrict the standard capacity magazines, (they call them high capacity magazines). Just remember this, when you travel in your vehicle to another state where you can buy standard capacity magazines, stock up on them and slip back into your communist state with a trunk full. Just be careful not to speed so you don’t get pulled over. Keep your mouth shut and don’t tell anyone else that you have them. Just a little friendly advice.

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