Home CMMG CMMG AR-15 .22 LR Conversion Kit – Seven Years Later

CMMG AR-15 .22 LR Conversion Kit – Seven Years Later


I bought this conversion kit in 2012 and since then I have fired thousands of rounds of .22 ammo through my AR-15 rifles. See why I love this conversion kit.

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  1. I own several of these conversions. Sold most of my 10/22's and replaced them with AR style CMMG converted rifles/pistols. They have been the most reliable 22s I have ever owned. Most of mine are on dedicated .22 uppers. I usually remove the gas tube and clamp the gas block on backwards (blocking off the barrel port) so the only thing that clogs is the gas port hole in the barrel (if I ever needed to convert any of my .22s back to .223 all I would have to do is clear the lead out of that port). So your point about following up with some .223 at the end of your training session on a non dedicated .22 is spot on and VERY necessary. I have a couple gas tubes that are 100% clogged because I did not follow up with .223 rounds. Another helpful trick for better function is to place a black rubber cork between the buffer and the tail end of the conversion. This gives a slight bit of tension to ensure the conversion kit does not slosh back and forth.
    Anyways. As always, love your vids. Keep up the great work!!!!

  2. Excellent. I bought my Ceiner and CMMG conversion kits back in 2008-ish when they were about $99 or so but with only 1 magazine each. So glad I got them at that price and they still work well with the recommended cleaning intervals. Thanks for showing, Mixup98.

  3. Good point about having the one rifle for 2 calibers and for AR training purposes….gee and I thought I was shooting pretty quick and accurate today at the range with my Henry Golden Boy! Tried out some Blazer lead round nose 22LR today along with CCI, both copper plated and round nose….agree have had issues in my 10/22 once in a while with the W/B ammo…Thanks again Mr. Mixup and yes summer has arrived here in So. NV!

  4. Great & very fun way to produce each & every single one of your videos. Very strong message to anti-2A ignorants who don't wanna understand how fun & safe plinking/ recreational shooting actually is. Awsome CMMG product to consider purchasing/ putting under a sporstman's Christmas Tree!; Many thanks for sharing & God Bless!!🙏

  5. This is useful for someone like me. I have an M&P15 Sport 2 as well. The indoor shooting range I like to go to is handguns only. They allow .22LR rifles only. The target changer is an electric pulley, no ceasefires, the ROs speak up only when needed, and they have a bit of heating and cooling to help with the outside air the ventilation system pushes in. The outdoor ranges here are way further away, hot in the desert sun, you must pick up every piece of brass, the ROs are volunteers and always have an attitude even when you do everything properly, and the 15 minute interval ceasefires for target changes (which last 5-10 minutes because of the 200 yard lanes) eats up a lot of time in the day that I could be putting rounds down range. I'm forced to go there to shoot my AR unless I install a .22LR conversion and shoot it at the indoor range. 😉 Priceless in my opinion. I really can't stand ROs on a power trip. "Sir, I watched you when you came in and brought your rifles in. They were in a soft case muzzle up just like we ask, but you un-cased them at the rack behind the shooting bench while holding them muzzle up. We want you to lay the soft case on the shooting bench pointing downrange, take the rifle out, then point it muzzle up, turn around, and place it on the rifle rack. You weren't being unsafe at all, but that's how I want you to do it." That was an actual thing an RO said to me. I wasn't being unsafe, but they wanted me to do a longer more complex method with more opportunities to muzzle sweep other shooters around me. I was floored. I much rather go to the closer indoor range. 😂

  6. I love mine. First time I took it to the range I brought 13 different types of 22lr ammo to see which would work and which wouldn't. It ended up running all types, over 350 rds that day flawlessly.

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