Home AR-15 The California-Compliant AR Pistol – Yep it exists

The California-Compliant AR Pistol – Yep it exists


Officer Gregg discusses how new laws affect owners of certain piece of hardware. The laws only affect people who want to follow them — bad guys don’t play by the same rules as everyone else. So the laws only inconvenience the good guys and don’t make anything safer. It’s common sense.

But before the ink even dries on the enacted laws, clever inventors come up with legal work-arounds.

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  1. Living in Sweden where gunlaws are even harder I sure appriciate the inguinity that went into this. Strange obsession those Cali-anti gunlaws… By the way, that is a huge ballsack there!
    Keep up the good work!!!

  2. As an Alaskan, I have to keep reminding my friends that California is quite full of good people who don’t like the laws made by the leaders in their land. If anything, the rest of the nation needs to come to California’s aid to get rid of the idiocity that spreads in the government too often. This is also true for many other states.
    Don’t hate CA! There are many reasonable people there who would want it much different. Come to the aid of your fellow marksmen!

  3. You Guys could come & "pollute" the UK , but I think, You'd think ! We make California laws Appear Liberal & generous , Keep up the good fight the only way to inform is to Educate ! Only the law abiding follow rules ! Thanks to all at TFM !

  4. If you are going to buy an AR-15 rifle, ONLY buy rifles. If you are going to buy an AR-15 pistol, ONLY buy pistols. NEVER BUY BOTH, EVER!!!

    There's something called "constructive possession", where if you could use the parts at your disposal to make an illegal weapon, the ATF assumes you already have, and are therefore in possession of an illegal weapon and therefore scheduled to be thrown in prison.

    If you own an AR-15 rifle and an AR-15 pistol, the ATF automatically assumes you're going to take the short barrel from the AR-15 pistol and put it on the top of the AR-15 rifle lower, making a short-barreled-rifle (which is illegal without express ATF pre-approval, the endorsement of your local Sheriff, and paying for the tax stamp).

    Never mix the rifle and the pistol versions of the AR-15. NEVER.

  5. "The laws only affect people who want to follow them — bad guys don't play by the same rules as everyone else" this line of reasoning is EXACTLY the problem in this country, because it fosters lawlessness and anarchy. It's the same exact sentiment as "laws are made to be broken" and it disrespects law and order.

  6. Californians certainly fucked up WA. These laws is soooo not very smart! So the main issue is tho, is yeah YOUR grandfathered but it's the NO NEW AR-PISTOLS, RIGHT?? SO what does my son do in five years, or his son in 25 years?? These rights are NOT just for us, it's not about US, it's about the countless generations to come, it is the reason why our founding fathers were so great, they were WILLING TO SACRIFICE, for you and ME. SO yeah you got a job and family and that's exactly what a oppressive regime counts on that those things will have you second guessing doing what's RIGHT. BUY STAYING AND WORKING AROUND THOSE laws your just giving them time to get the laws perfected, if every gun owner just did a mass exodus from CA, for a month there economy would crash, and they would give in. If you got organized and worked together, six months you could have those laws changed back. Every single gun owner in CA marches on Sacremento Capital, ARMED but peaceful, and just did not leave. Until they relented it's done in less then a month. Two tops. Look at Hong Kong, millions in the street for extraditing CRIMINALS. And they dont even have guns, the vast majority, of gun owners are cowards and lazy. Sorry for the rant, this is all just my opinion. So take it with a grain of salt if you disagree.

  7. I live in Colorado and we would love more people like you guys here. The problem is we are getting all the people who want the laws that are in California lol

  8. I’m from West Virginia and we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the nation, yet we have some of the most pro-gun laws in the country. We do not even have to have permits to carry concealed. No mag restrictions either. Just no fun buttons, suppressors, SBR’s, or artillery/explosives. (Unless you have the proper paperwork then do as you wish!) when I started watching I thought I was going to see an AR get loaded with a stripper clip. LOL. That would be a slick way around the SBR laws in WV though🤔😏😋 minus the Cali button of course. I love your videos guys. I wish YouTube had more of a West Virginia mindset on firearms. Please keep em coming.

  9. As a Montanan, thanks for staying in Commiefornia. You are absolutely right to the fact that Americans don't run from oppression. That's what makes us unique. And the very reason the 2nd Amendment exists.

  10. Iam 100% behind you guys someone has got to stay and fight we can not give them California or any other state what they are doing is wrong in every state with the exception of maybe Missouri i was born in los Angeles's and grew up in Simi Valley California is a beautiful place stand strong hold them back great video thanks

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