Home AR-15 Fun with The Bushmaster Carbon 15 Pistol – CRAPPY JUNK?

Fun with The Bushmaster Carbon 15 Pistol – CRAPPY JUNK?


Is this pistol a cheap gimmick? You decide. More than 80 rounds are fired from my AR-15 pistol. Mud, jugs and Tannerite make for some fun shootin’.

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  1. Nice vid!!! Pretty much my favorite weapon in my collection: it's stock except for a green laser sight. I've shot hundreds of rounds through mine with nary a hiccup Tonight at midnight I have some tracer rounds to bring in 2018. Cheers!

  2. @gsxr- Busmaster used to sell a rail for the 97 that slides on and screws down but they quit selling them when they were bought out. Heck they used to do conversions to type 97 and type 21s but all of that came to an end as they "ran out of parts" around 2010. No explanation as to why but my guess is that the new bosses did not want any part of it after some time.

  3. I have personally seen a Bushmaster carbon 15 pistol seriously malfunction to the point that i will NEVER own one. The receiver broke around the buffer tube and it blew off backward into his face hitting them in the mouth and he lost his front right tooth. The weapon was also basically completely destroyed considering it was the lower that broke. I never heard what Bushmaster did to reimburse this man.

  4. Hopefully in a few months ammo will be available again at a decent price. Ever consider reloading your own? If you rig something up I would sure like to see it……any chance you might be able to put it on youtube?

  5. Mixup, I called bushmaster, they don't have anything available. I may try to rig something up. Love the video and I can't wait for ammo to cheapen so I can shoot it like your video.

  6. I've never seen a rail advertised for this gun. If you contact Bushmaster they might have a solution. The sights are very crude on this gun and I think a rail would be a great accessory.

  7. jh……my gun is the older version and when they first came out they didn't come with the hanguard or rail. Wish it did. Thanks for watching my video.

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