Home AR-15 AK47 and M4 Bushmaster AR-15

AK47 and M4 Bushmaster AR-15


Shooting up a creek with a Bushmaster M4 and a Bulgarian Ak47….

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    5.56 mm is no match to 7.62mm in a real WAR, look at the past war in VIETNAM
    Till now AMERICAN push their weapon as SUPERIOR than AK
    Very Funny X(OO)X

  2. Esh ur stupid af u can't hit a target 200 yards away with a fucking AK and a saiga is a kit build u dumb fuck (that means its for close range shooting) get over that tv and call of duty bullshit dude I have a Model 700 and it's only precise at 170 so stfu with ur I can shoot an AK at 200 yards dumb ass

  3. I have both weapons the ar being a 20" hb. The ak would win imo at 200 yards beyond that the ar would . plus it all depends on the shooter, if you have towelheads with ak's that cant shoot shit then nothings gonna get hit. Also the ak will penetrate alot more almost 1/2 inch steel and if you get hit with that anywhere your fucked son. I love em both, finger fuck em all the time lmao

  4. @jeremy74pow i agree for the most part. i have had lots of problams with my m4 and thats why i got rid of it two years ago and i have had my ak seince i was 13 and i have never had a problam with it… even after thousands of rounds. and i can hit a cardbord cut out og binladin at 300yds with no bench 25 times out of 30.really the only thing to complain about in the ak is how hot the barral gets after a mag or two

  5. @Michaeldean88 3 of my cousins have had problams with thire m4's in the battle field not to mention the m16 that blew up in my grandpas face it vietnam. and i got rid of mine because it was a pice of shit and i take grate care of all my guns

  6. @jgtemplars i can a target the size or your tourso at 200yds all 30 times untill i need a reload freehanding it with my akm. and last i knew a 7.63×39 plus any part of the human body=your not gunna be shooting at me anymore…let alone 30 times

  7. @jeremy74pow I will agree some AK's are junk. I dont like the Romanian models. They seem to misfire and the stocks are too short. Alot of the AK's we confiscated were poorly maintained and the Iraqis have no marksman skills anyway. Something I noticed with AK's and AR's, 99% of people who own them dont know how to sight them in. I think thats why people say they are inacurate, ecspecially AK's. I shoot both mine factory sights.

  8. @jgtemplars i disagree. i have a Bushmaster and a Egyptain Maadi AK. Both are equally accurate up to 300 yards and just as reliable as the other. Never had a malfunction with my AK, but the AR can be picky. I was in Iraq four times, my opinion is the AR or M16 is a fine weapon for target shootin with the family sunday afternoon but not practical for combat. Why? It only works if you clean it and to clean it right takes all day. My AK fires every time and i dont have to clean it.

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