Home AR-15 Reasons to Own an AR-15

Reasons to Own an AR-15


Some politicians say there are no legitimate reasons to own an AR-15 rifle. True?

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  1. So the Asian Americans shouldn't of had these rifles to defend their stores against Rodney King looters? Or what about them millions of them that have defended households and people from the whims of violent armed men who did not care about the law? Your tears nor your kids trump any rights afforded by the constitution.

  2. It would have been nice to include an expert that would talk about the AR15 for home defense; it's mentioned, but there could have been more talk about that. Also, it's about the best one can do against an oppressive government (should that ever occur), short of going to fully automatic weapons (which personally I wouldn't support).

  3. "The reason to have an AR-15 is simply because you can." Yes. Exactly. The reason we all don't drive a Lada Riva type car (the most prolific communist built car) is simply because we can drive any car we wish; whether or not we need to. Guns are a product. No different than a car, the house we choose to live in, the food we choose to eat. We have the right to choose. This is freedom.

  4. AR's are only the most popular form of semi auto rifles in the US. I'ts used in so many cases only because it's the most popular style of rifle. Take that away and AK's would possibly become most popular, or mini 14's.

  5. The simple and only reason the citizen has the right to own an AR-15 is because the government has the M-16; WHICH IS the semiautomatic/automatic military version of the AR-15.

  6. I don't currently own an ar15, though both of my sons have several if I needed one, but I have owned them in the past. The system was designed for maximum efficiency and firepower and it could be used to do horrible things but so can a pump shotgun, a butcher knife, a vehicle and so on. People with bad intentions are going to do bad things.

  7. If you take away ar15’s that’s not gonna stop someone from walking into school with a handgun not only that drugs are illegal but yet people still get those if you ban them the only people who would have access to them would be criminals just like drugs

  8. Having and AR and being proficient in it (as well as other firearms) is a martial art. People train in karate, kali, aikido, etc… many train in firearms and shooting.

  9. You could have done more to address her fears with respect to the AR-15 in school shootings by showing her that semiautomatic handguns are also devastating. The Virginia Tech shooter only used handguns in his attack and killed 33 people. The shooter's choice of weapons is not the critical factor in ensuring the safety of our children.

  10. A friend of mine got me into an urban rifle defense class given for law enforcement and military folks as a guest. They supplied the gun and ammo. I never "got" the AR15 thing, but I do now.

    They're lightweight, which means easy to handle.

    They have light recoil, so you can shoot them without battering your body.

    The ammo is cheap, so you can practice to gain competence and enhance safe gun handling skills.

    They can be modified in zillions of ways. That meant my 40 year old eyes could be helped by a red dot sight, and my strange body geometry accommodated by a telescoping stock.

    They aren't obscenely expensive, so average folks can own one.

    They're perfect self-defense guns for urban riots, social upheaval, or threats from crowds.

  11. The fact the "Government" can have it is the only reason people need to have the "GOD GIVEN" right to defend themselves equally with their very own GOVERNMENT. This is the command of GOD!

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