Home AR-15 Palmetto State Armory AR-15 Pistol Accuracy Test!

Palmetto State Armory AR-15 Pistol Accuracy Test!


30 rounds out of the Palmetto State Armory AR-15 pistol chambered in 5.56x45mm.

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  1. Nice shooting mate!
    The 4moa dot was good enough for consistent headshots.
    Imagine some decent 4x optics and how much tighter the group could become.
    But current setup is more than adequate for what it is!

  2. Well that shirt is so right they should ban idiots like you it’s a fucking Pistol not a goddamn fucking rifle people like you should be in jail for shoulder a pistol the whole time you were videoing shooting It. if you can’t follow the fuck in law and you wonder why it’s harder for us honest people to get guns have guns because fucking faggot Jew ass idiots like you can’t follow the fuck in law and then you put it on a fucking Jewtube video and you wonder why the politicians want to take my guns away. Because inbred faggot Jews, one can’t follow the law, breaking the law they make a fucking faggot ass video and post it on Jewtube

  3. Goodnight, that was some awesome shooting brother. I'd take that all day long, now you've got me wanting to shoot my PSA AR pistol! I think adding a magnifier on there would be a good idea. Cheers!

  4. Sweet set up bro. Even sweeter shooting. Great video as always. You know you have a pretty awesome rig when you put 30 rounds on target at a tennis ball size grouping. Keep up the great content!!

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