Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues ILA | Minnesota: Conference Committee to Consider Anti-Gun Language for Omnibus Legislation

ILA | Minnesota: Conference Committee to Consider Anti-Gun Language for Omnibus Legislation


Tomorrow, the Judiciary/Public Safety conference committee will reconvene at noon in Capitol Room 120, or at the call of the chair, to discuss SF 802. The agenda contains three items, including the two House gun control measures:  HF 8 (UBC) and HF 9 (Red Flags).  Other items could be added.  While no public testimony will be allowed, NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to attend in opposition to any anti-gun agenda items.  Please continue to contact members of the conference committee and urge them to OPPOSE any attempts to include anti-gun language in the Public Safety/Judiciary Omnibus Bill. 

Earlier this month, the Minnesota House considered the Senate Judiciary Omnibus Bill, Senate File 802, and during their consideration amended the legislation to contain the same language as the House Public Safety /Judiciary Omnibus Bill, House File 2792.  The House Version contains House File 8 and House File 9, two gun control measures that are opposed by NRA. 

House File 8, sponsored by Rep. Dave Pinto (64B-DFL), would impose so-called “universal” background checks for most private firearm transfers, potentially criminalizing almost all private firearm transfers in Minnesota.

House File 9, sponsored by Rep. Ruth Richardson (52B-DFL), would violate an individual’s constitutional rights and allow for a chief law enforcement officer or designee to petition the court for an ex parte order to remove an individual’s Second Amendment rights without due process.

Again, please contact conference committee members and urge them to OPPOSE any attempt to include gun control language in the Omnibus bill.

Conference Committee Members:

Sen. Warren Limmer
(651) 296-2159

Sen. Bruce Anderson
(651) 296-5981

Sen. Mark Johnson
(651) 296-5782

Sen. Andrew Lang
(651) 296-4918

Sen. Ronald Latz
(651) 297-8065

Rep. Carlos Mariani
(651) 296-9714

Rep. John Lesch
(651) 296-4224

Rep. Kelly Moller
(651) 296-0141

Rep. Dave Pinto
(651) 296-4199

Rep. Nick Zerwas
(651) 296-4237

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