Home AR-15 Difference of an AR15 Pistol & AR15 Rifle – TheFireArmGuy

Difference of an AR15 Pistol & AR15 Rifle – TheFireArmGuy


Looking at the similarities and differences between an AR15 pistol and an AR15 carbine rifle
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  1. I might be a bit late to the party, but I've a question : what all do you sacrifice with an AR15 pistol with an arm brace vs an ar15 carbine? Since you're able to shoulder the brace nowadays, is the difference big enough to discourage someone from choosing an ar15 pistol as their go-to firearm as opposed to the bigger, more stable ar15 rifle?

  2. I under stand how for grips and angled grips can be illegal even though they don't really do anything to make the gun it's self more dangerous, just more conferrable because maybe it makes the gun look more dangerous but it says that on the NYS website that pistol grips are illegal? Yet they still sell Ar-15's at my local gun shop? All AR-15' have a pistol grip I'm pretty sure.

  3. I think the rock river pds pistol with a sling would make a better option for a pistol. unless of course you are just looking for the closest thing to an sbr without all the bs. 

  4. ar pistols should be in piston so you dont have a huge buffer tube sticking out and without a stock i really dont like rifles same with shotguns cool video tho got me thinkn i want a sbr

  5. The one that is designed and functions well as a rifle platform makes sense. The one that is essentially the same but neutered down to be called a pistol, but fulfills neither the pistol or rifle role very well, doesn't make sense to me. Taking off the stock (without even losing any length and hardly any weight) and a few inches off the barrel makes it just a foolish and less functional rifle in my mind.

  6. The accuracy is about the same. Its just alittle harder to hold the gun steady with no stock at farther ranges. I can hit a target at a hundred yards pretty good with a good optic on. Not good with iron sights in my opinion. I have a 7in barrel and I loved it so much I sold the carbine and kept the pistol. I have a video of it under my profile shooting it back when I first built it. It looks nothing like that anymore. I need to post a more recent video.

  7. Absolutely. What I meant was I use the buffer tube on an AR pistol as a stock. Being short as I am makes it easier,lol. Are you planing on doing any mods in the future? Kinda interested on what others are doing with thier AR pistols before I mod mine. Keep the vids coming

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