Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues ILA | Florida Alert! Governor DeSantis has SIGNED SB-7030

ILA | Florida Alert! Governor DeSantis has SIGNED SB-7030



DATE:     May 9, 2019
TO:         USF & NRA Members and Friends
FROM:   Marion P. Hammer
   USF Executive Director
   NRA Past President


Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB-7030 within hours after receiving it.  SB-7030 contains the language that authorizes local school boards to allow classroom teachers to go through training and carry firearms on school campuses.

News reports suggested that “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” and another Bloomberg group, “Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,” were apparently pushing on Governor DeSantis to veto SB-7070 — the wrong bill.  

According to News Service Florida, the “Demand” groups delivered a stack of signatures to the Governor’s office urging the Governor to veto a bill that would arm classroom teachers.  It further reported that a DeSantis employee was asked by the group to tell the Governor to veto SB-7070 because it expanded the “guardian” program.  THAT’S THE WRONG BILL! 

Not only is their anti-gun reasoning flawed, their legislative information is wrong.  SB-7070 is the K-12 Education Bill. 

We are pleased that Governor DeSantis signed SB-7030.  

When seconds matter, law enforcement is often minutes awayThat’s why the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Commission, Chaired by Sheriff Bob Gualtiere, recommended to the legislature that they pass legislation to allow classroom teachers to be armed. 


SB-7030 Implementation of Legislative Recommendations of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission –  Requires sheriffs to establish a school guardian program; requires the Office of Safe Schools to annually provide training for specified personnel teachers; requires district school boards and school district superintendents to partner with security agencies to establish or assign safe-school officers; revises requirements for school district zero-tolerance policies; provides standards and training for classroom teachers who choose to go through training in order to be armed at school.  

The vote in the House was 65 – 47 with five (5) Republicans voting AGAINST the bill.  The five are all newly elected freshmen. They are:  Vance Aloupis (R-Miami), Mike Beltran (R-Valrico), Mike Caruso (R-Boca Raton), Chip LaMarca (R-Lighthouse Point) and David Smith (R-Winter Springs). 

The Senate vote was 22-17 with Sen. Anitere Flores voting against it (along with the Democrats).  

For those who want to contact Governor DeSantis and thank him for signing the bill, his email address is below: 




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