Home AR-15 Liberals Shoot Guns For The 1st Time

Liberals Shoot Guns For The 1st Time


“Never in my life did I think I’d shoot a shotgun.”

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  1. Anyone who are against guns ownership but never shot a gun or at least have ANY basic knowledge of guns is like having a 5-year-old vote against cars saying how dangerous they can be when their only knowledge of driving is go on Green and stop on Red.

  2. "If guns were as controlled as in the club that would be fine but that is not the real world" sorry brother but that is the real world actually, cause most club members and workers are just normal law abiding citizens who adhere by the laws and regulations in place, if the club was run by criminals then that would be what you refer to whwn you say "thats not the real world"

  3. Besides the guns aren't here to protect us from each other because that's why we have police officers. Guns are here for 2 reasons that's probably why it is the second amendment. 1 to protect us from invaders of the country. 2 to protect us from the government so they don't take over.

  4. "If it was in a controlled environment I think that would be fine." He doesn't know about the dark web does he. If they took guns away there would be even more deaths and violence. Besides that bad people would be less scared and import even more weapons I to America to do more harm.

  5. "just firing once takes a lot out of you, like now I just wanna take a nap"

    Boi literally all you did was fire one 9mm, quit acting like you just finished a marathon.

  6. Most people who commit gun-related crimes don’t get guns legally… if we make citizens unable to acquire them LEGALLY then only people who get them illegally with malicious intent will have them

  7. Libs don't get without guns its just a matter of time before we lose our freedom and lives. I also noticed Lib girls seem hardened like lez alpha girls, Boys well if they're not gay they are Beta Boys. No testosterone.

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