Home AR-15 The PERFECT AR-15? YES!



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  1. James could you make a drill video of a few scenarios? Like dot failure – would you throw the dot away with a qd mount to use the irons? Or shoot through the failed or dead optic. Broken glass scenario?

    a bolt change scenario also.

    Would be good to see others do it and build a game plan on what to pay attention to for "grading" ourselves and what needs improved when we try it.

  2. Beautiful! Communist commissar voice Even for inferior disposable delicate unreliable Capitalist trash made in sweat shops with the labor of the exploited Proletariat!

    Seriously tho, very cool. 18 inches is a short as I tell people to go, unless you KNOW you have ammo that works at the distances you want and you acknowledge you're making a "niche application" AR. I especially like how sleek you kept it, the weight is where it's easier to control, no quad rails hanging out there adding weight without anything hooked to them. Too many people think they are a SEAL and their rifle needs to "adapt to the mission" as if they routinely do hostage rescue or recon etc… The muzzle break looks a lot like the standard AK74 one, I guess the Commies were onto something lol I love the 2 point sling to, I run mine around the the neck under the collar. It's easier to just let go and throw off the rifle if you want to. Gabe Suarez talks about one way of dealing with someone grabbing the rifle is to just throw it into his hands as he pulls, and move away as you draw your sidearm and solve the problem before he can turn the rifle around to begin to use it against you. But if the sling is 3 point or otherwise solidly attached, and there's a big size/strength/skill disparity "you're gonna have a hard time with this."

    First time I ever saw a 3 point sling was your channel, I still think they rock even if simpler is better. I tried one, and decided the ComBloc 2 point was better, and sold it to my Army friend for his AR.

    I remember when Call of Duty put out their first game with magnifiers for optics. All the teenagers and early 20s guys I used to substitute teach for would ask me about NOTHING ELSE when guns came up. I didn't even know such things existed lolz. 9/10 of them didn't know how to line up iron sights tho lol, and they didn't believe me when I said 100+ meters with a stock AK47 in that game is easy in game and IRL. Since you can only modify your gun so much in COD, I'd rather have faster reloading skill and extended magazines than optics I don't need (because the game GIVES you apex human shooting skills, and 50 feet away is a longish distance, why bother?)

    I wonder what your perfect AK would be?

    Thanks as always for what you do.

  3. James, I don't know if you have covered it before but what made you go with the RATS TQ? I've taken Gunshot Wound / Trauma course at the Florida Firearms Academy with On Point Safety Defense (taught by ex combat medic and current paramedic) and Gun Shot Wound course through US Law Shield (taught by ex Blackwater medic). Both recommend the CAT7 and Soft-T TQ over the RATS so I never really picked one up. I'm just curious as to your input as to why you prefer it over others?

  4. Love my red dot and magnifier but I am switching that to another rifle and getting a 1-6 scope with an ACSS reticle (dont ever have to worry about battery) with a quick detatch (American defense mount) in case the scope ever went to shit. A factor that's plays into this is the wide open country I live in. If I was in a more urban setting a red dot/magnifier would likely be my first choice.

  5. Um, an M4 has a 14.5 inch barrel and is lethal at 300 yards. Yeah, the ballistics of an 18 inch will be superior, but it's not like anything shorter than 18 inches is insufficient.

  6. I have one of these rifles there was only 500 made and i got one of the last ones and it is my primary battle rifle thanks James for having Midwest industries build a GREAT rifle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I get 18” over 10” but why over 16”? There’s typically 100fps difference between the two. That doesn’t seem like much. I was interested in 18” barrels till I found that out.

  8. I see you don't have one and struggle to think I have seen one in any of your videos so I'm guessing that's your answer right there. I have to know your opinion on for grips Angeled specifically? Thanks

  9. Hey James i was wondering if there was an alternative optic you would recommend for someone with astigmatism or if said person should just try and make do with an aimpoint anyway, or perhaps if theres a way to make the dot clearer for the eyes

  10. The tactical response rifle was sold out when I purchased my first Midwest rifle. So I got another one with a 18 inch criterion barrel and 15 inch rail. The Midwest quality is hard to beat in my opinion along with the costumer service

  11. Alot of thought went into that rifle, the Garmin is new to me and fantastic thinking to have that. There is not one time l watch your videos where l dont pick something up. Thanks Guru.

  12. Hey James, can you do a rifle reload video with a 2 point sling? I have an SOE sling on my ar15 and it seems to get in the way a lot. There is so many videos on types of slings but none in a practical "shoot-reload-shoot" category.

  13. What is that "best round" for the short barrel AR you referred to?
    Stabilization not being an issue for close quarters, what is the best defense round for effectiveness without over penetration?

  14. 16 inch will do it out to 300 meters, I know it's not a human but I caved a coyotes skull in with a DDM4. But yea everything he has on his rifle I've mimicked except a comp.

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