Home AR-15 AR15 Pistol URGI 10.3" "Clone" Build Pt. 1 | Colt Geissele CQBR...

AR15 Pistol URGI 10.3" "Clone" Build Pt. 1 | Colt Geissele CQBR Block 3 Clone-ish


So here we begin the journey into the CQBR Block 3 clone. Stay tuned for follow up videos.
Also, if anyone has real info on if you measure from buffer tube or extended brace please comment below.

Instrumental produced by Chuki : (

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  1. I think were people are getting confused is when you said it was bought as a complete lower,& not a stripped lower. Most people think a complete lower as a rifle lower. Which it usually is. Not that there isn't a complete pistol lower,but if you look up complete lower to purchase it will usually come up rifle lower. With buffertube and stock. As far as the clone nazi's are concerned because of it being a pistol, screw them. How many of them have full auto? Using their logic ,if it's not full auto it's not a "real" clone.

  2. As far as the Vertical Grip goes, a lot of people recommend measuring OAL with the brace removed and when you do that this gun doesn’t make 26”. If you do include the brace it barely makes it.

    Some say though, the BCM Vertical Grip is technically an angled grip since it’s not exactly 90 degrees (kosher for pistols). I don’t care to be the test case for that one either considering BCM markets it as a VG and calls it one.

    For now I just use mine like yours with no grip at all. The rail is pretty comfy to use without a grip anyway.

  3. Mod lite has a mini scout sized body for the 600DF. You keep the 1500 lumens but can’t use 123s or 18650s(I believe)
    The only question is t2 on a Scalarworks w/ a magnifier for $1200 or a Razor for $1200🤔 (I went with the razor🤫)

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