Home AR-15 This 9mm AR 15 Pistol is STOOPID CHEAP…..

This 9mm AR 15 Pistol is STOOPID CHEAP…..


Today we’re going to find out if the STOOPID CHEAP 9mm AR 15 Pistol Conversion is a viable option or not. I have a few concerns….To make this 9mm Ar 15 Pistol conversion possible we’re using a 9mm AR 15 Upper and a standard 5.56 lower.
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  1. I have tried the mag adapter (colt) with an AR9 upper and I’ve had a lot of feeding problems due there being too much space between the magazine and the barrel (where the bullet sits to be fired) lots of loading malfunctions. Any suggestions?

  2. So my AR will shoot fine some full mags and others shoot 3-4 then I get a hit on the primer but no fire this is with both .223 and .556 ammo new not reloads any clue what it could be wanna get this thing running flawless. Appreciate it I advance

  3. I think different pcc's have different advantages, in general they're a good option if you're worried about how far your round will travel or over penetration. If you only want something to train with to save money this is a good idea for the range, you can order up the cheapest 9mm ball you can find and do some basic cqb drills for a lot cheaper while using the exact lower you'll be using in a real scenario. If you live in an urban area and want one for home defense any pcc that takes your carry pistols mags and has basic modern features (ie last round hold open) will do fine. They're great for small game and learner carbines too if you're introducing friends and family to shooting. Personally I have a KG 11" raider ar pistol, I was rather disappointed when it stated it has bolt hold open that it meant you can push the button in to lock it open, not actual last round hold open. Due to that reason it's now a safe queen that I just use for plinking and teaching new shooters.

  4. My FN9 complete upper is doing the same thing. I was using the the Stern defense ad9 with my dd lower and had way to many malfunctions. Just went ahead and bought an Mbx Pcc just to avoid anymore headache.

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