Home AR-15 Shawnee, Oklahoma AR-15 pistol I open Carry audit

Shawnee, Oklahoma AR-15 pistol I open Carry audit



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  1. NNOKC…Your doing a great job. THANK YOU, for what you are doing. I know you put a lot of time and effort, educating, protecting and highlighting our Rights. πŸ‘Œ ✌

  2. The corn dog absolutely cracked me up. I am shocked that the cop said it was your constitutional right!! Cops that know the Constitution, this can't be right. Pinch me I think I'm dreaming.

  3. I am a 2nd Amendment advocate and almost 30 years LEO and yes I lived in the Communist State of New Jersey and now the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania … I built three AR Pistols in calibers 300 Blackout and 5.56 and both legal in PA and not NJ. I believe in your right BUT the way your are β€œtesting those right IS wrong”. You put the Offices lives in danger responding to a man with a gun call … which means they will use more speed etc. responding and could get into an accident … happens all the time! AND then when they approach you they do not know who you are and you know who they are AND all it takes is a wrong move AR Pistol πŸ”« ore not and you are dead. Better ways of demonstrating. As for the lack of knowledge of AR pistols and AR rifles?? Pistols are still in the early stages of ownership and more then likely most officers do NOT know much about them. They are not notified or educated along those lines .. which makes it challenging for all. Good luck but there IS a better way.

  4. I like your style. You are not trying to be argumentative. People's ignorance should not superseded our rights. Your videos gave me an idea…

    I think an association should be formed that helps 2nd amendment supporters in conjunction with law enforcement agencies. We should work together to help get out the word that things like this are legal. I am actually considering talking to the chief of police of my town to do several social media posts about this. I think it would be great for police to start educating the public and we all win that way.

  5. People of public ate so stupid when they see a long gun in public.
    It's going to be very big November 1sr. Need a big group of open carry that day and lots more doing it all over Oklahoma.

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