Home StreamLight Project Glock: Streamlight TLR-1s Weapons Light

Project Glock: Streamlight TLR-1s Weapons Light


The latest addition to the Project Glock is the Streamlight TLR-1s weapons light.

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  1. My "GUESS" is because there are too many problems with a light on a 40 cal Glock. Glock has determined the added weight of the light at the front of the gun increased slide velocity and the slide was outrunning the magazine. I would not "Suggest" running a light on a 40 cal.

  2. I had a problem with the extended slide release on my G22. I hold a little higher on the grip and kept locking the slide back with my thumb mid mag. If you have smaller hands its probably not something to worry about but its something to look for. Nice video, just ordered a TLR-1s.

  3. I agree. You have something cool and uncommon with the compensation, and he just threw it out the window. Least he could have done was order that LW barrel w/ the factory style barrel ports. And IDK why he went with a 40-9 conversion. Doesn't make sense.

  4. bravo concealment … com
    makes great kydex holsters i have one for my M&P pro without the light, just got the tlr-1s i may be buying and another holsters from them. wait time is about a 3 weeks to a month better than some others.

  5. not sure if you need one but I have an extra OEM Glock 17 recoil spring its brand new and wouldn't mind donating it to you guys if you think you might need it when running 9mm in that Glock

  6. There is a lack of good lights on the market for one. There is probably an additional liability being a weapons light for another (possibly adding to production costs (Legal)). It seems like there is actually a bit more machining that goes into the construction of these. But yeah I'd agree that they are over pricy. Surefires are even more so…

  7. What vid talks about those grips, I know I watched it but can't remember. I usually run houge grips but ever since I broke my middle finger they seem to be a bit to big in the finger groove and causes me pain on my g23 so I'm looking to try something new.

  8. Damn man that is over $100! I have been unsure why companies can make flashlights with great illumination for $40, but a rail flashlight equals over $100… Makes no sense to me…

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