EFT Patch (October 7th 2018)
Bug Submission Number: #695010
Out of all the optics in the game this is only an issue with the Burris 1×4 and the Voodoo 1×6.
Solution: Switched to hatchet while in the second varied state.
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if you think this is bugged just check this out https://ibb.co/dbn5yA
I generally think these scopes accuracy is good because it's just a way to prove that leg meta still exist in Tarkov. Literally a shenanigan by NIKITA to teach us how to leg meta ppl just like their fellow scavs.
also if u put a PSO on a VAL it is way off
This game is so broken to a point it feels like its not….
Pretty sure the ELCAN is bugged also.
Wonder when Nikita will get off his high horse
You could also turn it off and on again. Lol jk love your content bud.
I actually have a really good question for you @DeadlySlob whats your intro music?
Thanks Deadly! Now I know why I lost those 20 raids… /s
Welkome to FUCKKOV
sounds like all the glitch bugs in the game lol..'' drop something, re-pick it, change to hatchet, reequip blah blah blah. if they wont fix it, we will lol
In addition to the accuracy on these scopes being bugged, both these scopes also had gotten an ungodly reduction in sensitivity when patch .10 came out. When I ADS on the 1x on either of those sights, it is 1/10 of the sensitive of no ADS.
Hi Deadly,how goes,liked the video.I love these scopes except for the turning speed. have you noticed the turning speed is greatly reduce compared to the hammer or other sights.Also was not aware of the in accuracy of these scopes.Not it makes a lot of sense why I was not registering head shots.
yah good bug m8 😉 thanx
A lot of the red dots are the same, point of impact is lower than point of aim.
I feel like the Hammer is bugged too. In +60, only 3 hits. When i saw the video playback, there were no reason to miss all the 57 others
when is the 0.11 update and the wipe getting released? i really want to get back into tarkov
Is this game worth getting back into? I stopped playing about 3-4 months ago cos of all the cheaters had any of this been sorted or is it still bs
Ok, that’s why I️ haven’t been getting any head shots past couple days..
Hey @DeadlySlob, thanks for the info.
Do you also experience the bug with super low sensitivity on the 1x/6x scope? It started for me in 0.10.x patch, not sure which one exactly, making the 1x zoom on this scope completely unusable. My sensitivity on the zoomed view is like 1/10 of what it used to be. The PSO, iron sights and PK/06 for example are all fine.
How to play Tarkov,
1, leave armour and helmet in back pack
2, leave weapon in loaded
3, enter raid
4, put on armour
5, load weapon
6, switch to hatchet
7, switch to primary
8, get one shotted in the chest by a mosin through your full gen 4….
9, uninstall Tarkov and wait for an actual patch that fixes the game…
Does this also include the PSO scope?
This game is gonna be always broken, every time I want to get back at it I watch a video like this and think " nope not this time, gonna wait for couple more patches or better still wait until release which I'm almost sure my grandkids probably won't see…"
Thanks Deadly. I Didnt even know of his issue. But my favourite scope. Thanks for the heads up
I want to use the acog but it’s been broken for a couple patches now
Is there something that actually works right in EFT at this point? 😑😡
Good work solider
great, my favorite optics are buged too… back to the HAMR we go again…
Realistically should shoot high at lower ranges. Some rifle calibers tend to sail for the 1st 100 or so meters then come back down.
The trijicon 3.5x is also bugged and needs to be zeroed to 200 meters in order to shoot accurately.
have this issue every time they mess with fov. Messes up the AS Val and I always send a ticket and they always say they know its an issue… sometimes they fix it quick sometimes it takes awhile
i was going to say right b4 u swapped to hatchet… could it be that the 2nd zoom defaults to 300 m before the swap? if you get what im saying? thoughts?