Home AR-15 A guide to Red Dot Sights for the AR15 or other Tac...

A guide to Red Dot Sights for the AR15 or other Tac Rifle


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  1. Hey Bryce:
    Even though this video was done an 21, 2013 it is still relevant today – and a great video.

    Jason Liller just called a douche-bag (LOL). I don’t have a problem with that.

    But I do have a problem if I am sounding arrogant, rude and not a team player.

    I am only trying to support the team.

    – I do like shooting guns – I have bought a few but mostly build them so I don't have to serialize them
    – I have my CCW from CA and Arizona (Payed member of USCCA)
    – I subscribe to The Daily Caller magazine
    – I subscribe to Concealed Carry magazine
    – I subscribe to the Rifleman magazine

    I belong to two local gun ranges and practice often

    – I support the NRA – I'm a member
    – I donate to to the NRA-ILA (NRA Legal Team)
    – I support my local sheriff and police departments
    – I support the Firearms Policy Foundation (fight for our rights to carry a gun anywhere in our great nation)
    – I support the Coalition for Civil Liberties

    – I was against the following Draconian Gun Control laws in California (I signed petitions against them):
    – – – Assembly Bill 1135 and Senate Bill 880
    – – – Assembly Bill 1511
    – – – Assembly Bill 1673 (it was vetoed)
    – – – Assembly Bill 1674 (it was vetoed)
    – – – Assembly Bill 1695
    – – – Assembly Bill 2607 (it was vetoed)
    – – – Senate Bill 894 (it was vetoed)
    – – – Senate Bill 1235
    – – – Senate Bill 1446

    I also oppose California’s Proposition 63

    – I know that the democrats don't care what a weapon is called, that they just want them gone.
    – I just was trying to show how they (Democrats) calumniate to push their false agenda.

    I am trying my best to be a part of the solution and I am not ridiculing.

    Help Create Informed Citizens –

  2. okay guys please dont hate on me…im really new to the gun world im building my own ar 15 piece by piece so i learn it completly….i just bought a red dot for 150 dollars…my newb question is to you is where exactly do i mount the sight on my rifle?

  3. ive been shooting for over 40 years and own 2 Leapers- UTG scopes and are mounted on high powered rifles and they are with out question worth the money. they are as clear as any high dollar scope and hold zero perfect. there red dot is as good.

  4. Good video. I personally prefer mounting my aim point as close to the rear sight as I can. I hit 300 meter targets all of the time with just a red dot. It's more so the capabilities of the shooter rather than the limitations of the equipment itself. Red dots work man.

  5. I have a Vortex SPARC II Red Dot Sight and it is froward on my rail to accommodate my VMX-3T MAGNIFIER. I can shoot well to 200 yards. farther than that it is tricky, but I can consistently hit a 3 inch gong out to 230 yards with my setup. Having fun!

  6. I apologize Bryce. I will try to be more aware.
    The term assault rifle is still used today though and our leaders in Washington are still trying to demonize the Armalite Rifle. It frustrates me.
    I just got back into shooting guns (haven't used one since Vietnam). It is amazing the changes and hoops one has to go through these days just for recreational shooting.

  7. I think that the context in which he mentioned assault weapons is valid, because he's talking about government action. The government likes to call it assault weapons. He's encouraging us to write to our Congress people to discourage them from supporting such weapons bans, then we should use the same terms that those politicians do. Yes, the politicians are wrong. Yes, assault is a behavior, not a weapon. But we have to play their language game to influence them.

  8. People have a common misconception of what an assault rifle is. technically a weapon can not assault anyone unless used as a club. The term ar is referred to Armalite Rifle (AR). Where the assault word came in is just plain dumb. no disrespect to the video uploader. just informing others of the proper term of assault and Armalite rifle. good video very informative on sights.

  9. Please stop using the term Assault Rifle. Get it out of your vocabulary. The term is constantly misused by mainstream media, on purpose, to put fear into citizens uneducated about weapons. The use of the term helps feed their (mainstream media) anti-gun agenda!

    We, as citizens, do not have "Assault Rifles."
    Assault rifles (machine guns) are battlefield rifles which can fire automatically – used by the military.

    Your weapon is simply a "Semiautomatic-only rifle" that looks like a military assault rifle. "Civilian rifles" are, unlike actual assault rifles, incapable of automatic fire. Start using the term "Semi-automatic Rifle." Even better call it your " ArmaLite rifle"

  10. Hey Bryce, That's my name too. How quickly can you pick up the sight on a 30mm aimpoint, a burris fast fire compared to a open style sight such as eotech. I know you were discussing other more affordable options, but I was just using the previous mentioned sights for an example

  11. Nice to find another Missourian I'm from the north west. Liked and subscribed. My wife is starting to get into the ar world and is looking into a pink or purple stocks for hers. Any idea who would make a red dot that has a flower for the dot… I know..stupid lol

  12. I hope I did 't fuck up.I just ordered after reading reviews that were very poss to 6 or 7 of 10. and the reviews from people shooting ar's and ak's .The reviews were very good to good. and it was 55 dollars .Since I not deploying to a conflict .I AM Just hoping it lasts me a while .If reviews are accurate it should since I take care of my shit.  God Bless and I am Going to join the nra here in a week or so .Hope to get the NRA hat with membership

  13. "Rule of thumb for mounting far forward " is full of holes and bullcrap. You lose sight picture and precision shots are not made when closer to your eye. Dude think about the physics. The closer to you're eye the less acu

  14. lol good info for entry lvl red dot optics….Work on your speech disfluency when using spontaneous speech. Creating a list and/or reading off of note cards/powerpoint/teleprompter will quickly clean alot of it up. Spontaneous speech can be quite challenging, especially without training and/or good practice methods.

  15. I'm contemplating a H-1 Aimpoint. I want it primarily for defensive shooting? Secondary, I want it for hog hunting as well. Is this a good choice? I have a M4.

  16. I'm lost about red dot's I have never shot them and do not know what to look for in one, I have about $100.00 to buy one and would like to get a good buy what and where would you tell me to go? Thank you

  17. Is it wrong to have the sights more toward the rear? I noticed in a lot of military pictures they have it in the rear as much as possible? Is it just a preference?

  18. The whole concept of "you get what you pay for" is something to consider.
    Granted, some quality optics are way over priced, they are in fact, awesome.
    On the other hand, there are inexpensive and even chinese knock offs that get the job done. I dropped 900 on a thermal scope from dhgate.com and I kid you not, it works like a charm! Unbelievable!
    So, my advice is to buy within your means and be sure they have a return policy.

  19. You can't leave out aimpoint/trijicon/eotech just because people are too cheap to buy them. "Not being able to justify paying for them" is just a smoke screen. The justification for spending money on optics is that you will get exactly what you pay for and that's quality, reliability, accuracy and great support.

    If you buy an AR that costs between 700-1000 dollars you should be spending 300-500 minimum on a good optic. Why would you take the gamble on anything less? Especially on something that you will be relying on every time you go shooting.

    I honestly just stopped watching when you said you weren't including all RDS sights. If you are budgeting your gun you will be spending way more in the log run then if you spend 450 now on an aimpoint pro, and eotech 512 or a trijicon reflex.

    Save up for the equipment you want, don't settle for mediocre.

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