Home AR-15 F1 Firearms custom built AR Pistol

F1 Firearms custom built AR Pistol


My latest and greatest AR build!!! Check it out and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

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  1. you keep saying "folding stock" but im pretty sure you mean to say …. "a folding SB15 compliant pistol brace"… at least thats what i think BATFE hears when they watch this….lol … but this is nice man … expensive AF… why didnt you just get the other stamp to just have it as an SBR? …. once again…. that thing is sexy AF

  2. I think the negative comments are just confused. Why have a flashlight on it? We all know it's a range toy. Awesome gun, but don't kid yourself with that flashlight

  3. Wow… so many haters. dont listen to them cuz theyre wrong and ill tell you why.
    1) Skeletonize F1 recievers are made for 3gun not combat. Its supposed to be light weight, not combat ready. Its been dominating in 3 gun circuits.
    2) Although skeletonized the gun is still rather rugged. Demolition ranch did a thorough review and it shot perfectly even with soot and mud.
    3) Yes the gun is more susceptible to dirt penetration but the slits also ejects powder from internals reducing the need to clean from powder.
    4) Who gives a shit if you built it for looks. Take this to a range and i guarantee people will ask to shoot it. can you say that about your out of box colt?
    Great build. its obvious you spent a lot of time researching and putting love into this ar. Beautiful.

  4. lmao a acog on a pistol system LMAO and look at all the retarded FUDDS in the comments saying its pretty lmao hahaha lmao look at all the HOT GARBAGE you spent on this LMAO omg hahaah AND YOU BOUGHT XPRODUCTS ANTI GUN COMPANY PRODUCTS LMAO HAHAHAHA OMG IM CRYING LAUGHING fucking law folder adapter and a acog on a short barrel but a INforce light LMAO HAHAHAH OMG HAHAH all that money and you went with a CMC trigger LMAO HAHAHA

  5. So glad to hear you don't get dirty with your button up and slacks while you go practice with your show piece.. The word pretty doesn't mean shit when the shit hits the fan…

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