Home AR-15 Ar-15 300 blackout pistol build

Ar-15 300 blackout pistol build


Little video showing my 300 blackout pistol

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  1. The most recent comment I see is three months old, so I feel the need to note that I believe the BATFE has come out with a letter specifically addressing the Sigtag arm brace, stating that SHOULDERING this brace, effectively constitutes a "redesign" of the firearm, and thus subjects it to different rules. Just a cautionary FYI. You can read the letter here:

  2. Yup, nice build, no paperwork for tax stamp bullshit with that sig arm brace. Good quiet hard hitting 300 aac caliber with subsonics. Very stealthy shtf weapon. Lots of firepower, quiet, small light and accurate. Great choice. I approve private, carry on

  3. You have some good videos. Cool, normal videos, you don't try too hard to be tactiawesome. But there is a little tactical mixed in there but again you're not trying to be something your not. We need more gun videos like this.

  4. Surplus Arms & Ammo has completed lowers (pistol and rifle) for $160. 
    plus a relatively new company called Radical Firearms has completed uppers in 300 blk and 5.56 for 279.00. Just ordered the upper (300 blk) yesterday so I cant comment on it. But I got the lower a couple weeks ago it is extremely well made. DS Arms has a bolt and charging handle combo for 85.00. You can bulid an AR pistol or rifle for about 525.00 before shipping. If you add Sig Sauer SIGTac Pistol Stabilizing Brace to your pistol, those run about 130.00 most sites you look.

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