Home AR-15 Best AR Pistol Upgrades? – Teamed w/ Pew Pew Tactical

Best AR Pistol Upgrades? – Teamed w/ Pew Pew Tactical


We talk AR Pistol upgrades and why I chose the accessories that I did.



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★★★My Amazon Top 7★★★
1. Trijicon MRO ►
2. Nikon P-308 4-12x 40mm ►
3. Nikon M-308 scope mount ►
4. Safariland 7378 7TS ALS holster ►
5. Magpul MBUS ► or MBUS Pro –
6. Blue Force Gear Vickers Sling ►
7. Ameriglo IDOT Sights Glock 17/19 ►

Who I support:
► Tallgrass Shooting Sports:

► Flint Hills Foster Teen Camps:

► Revolutionary Patriot Apparel:
Discount Code: FITNFIRE15

Flying Monkey Gun Works ►

Stranger Things Remix by Leslie Wai — used with permission
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  1. I’m not sure if the mbus warrant their price tag. What about actual metal buis like utg? They’re half of the price and also have sprung pop up function. Thoughts?

  2. Nicely done, as always. I just threw together a Spike's Snowflake 10.3 pistol build to celebrate Nacho November (another November and Hillary is nacho president). SBA3, Spike's LPK, Radian Raptor charging handle, PSA NiB BCG, STNGR RPTR handguard, Sig Romeo 5, UTG BUIS.

  3. Enjoyed the video. My upgrades on my AR pistol are Velocity 3lb single stage trigger, PSA nickel boron bcg and a law tactical folder with kak arm brace, utg metal flip up backup sights with a sparq red dot.

  4. Great video! Just built an FDE 5.56 upper through Aero to go on my pistol lower. SBA3 fde brace, holosun 503GU sight, mbus flip ups, 10.3in barrel, aero m4E1 handguard, with a kaw valley precision linear comp. Aero precision nickel boron bcg as well as a POF 4.5lb drop in trigger.

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