Home AR-15 Freefloat Handguard Upgrade Step-by-Step

Freefloat Handguard Upgrade Step-by-Step


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If you’ve been wanting to upgrade your fixed front sight AR-15 to a free float hand guard– this video will guide you through the process step by step, including necessary tools. Be sure to read the full write-up for additional details, tricks, and be on the lookout for some related deals from Midsouth Shooter’s Supply!
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  1. I installed a free floating handguard on my Ruger AR-556 and it is over gassed. I never shot it without the free floating, but the first time I shot it with red army standard ammo it had a lot of issues. I might try a heavy buffer tube string

  2. Take the damn stock handguards off first!. It will remove the pressure transfered from the delta spring pushing through the handguards onto the front sight post, So the pins will come out easier…..If you were to build this rifle as it is, The last thing that would be installed is the hand guards.. So they should also be the first to come off!..Not picking on ya, But comming from a 60 yr. old retired vet.. That has built too many ARs….

  3. And after buying a free float hand guard before watching tutorials on installation, I've come to the conclusion I'm missing a lot of parts… Like factory replacement gas blocks? Had no clue… Special wrenches? Nope… Torque ratios? I'm sure this is a simple task for an experienced builder, but holy shit.

  4. Sorry noob here. Do I need to remove the charging handle and bolt in order to install the gas block and tube? Or can i leave them in while i install the gas block?

  5. To insure alignment and proper spacing at the junction of the free float tube and the picatinny top rail on the receiver, use a one piece picatinny scope mount. Bridge the gap and tighten the locking nuts on the mount. This will ensure proper fit if something has to attach on both sided of the joint.

  6. Holy shit, I did not expect there to be this much info and so many steps to change the handguard. And all the tools you need and how exact number of inches and pounds of pressure. Ive got alot to learn before I buy my first AR.

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