AR15 Basic Introduction & Operation – Beginner 101. Close Up in HD. Just bought your first AR-15? This video is intended for those who are interested in the AR-15 platform, but haven’t had the opportunity to handle or shoot one. And those of you who may have just purchased an AR for the first time and would like to see how they’re broken down. I cover the controls, some functions, disassembly, and reassembly for cleaning. This video covers the very basics only.
Overview – 0:50
Controls – 1:19
Disassembly – 7:12
Reassembly – 11:04
Colt LE6920 AR-15 at Walmart – Quick Review.
How To Decock An AR 15
Good basic cleaning how to video with schedule:
” AR-15 Cleaning ” by hickok45
“AR 15 Lubrication” by James Yeager (Grease)
Note 1:
“Ride it home” – Slang for – easing the bolt forward.
People that are new to AR’s / firearms, are reluctant to just let the charging handle go. So, they ease the charging handle forward “riding it home”. By doing this, they are taking a certain amount of energy away from the bolt. The bolt needs that energy to strip a round of ammunition out of the magazine and chamber it. If you ease the charging handle forward, you are more likely to create misfeeds, and/or jamming. So, just pull it back, and let it go.
**Caution: It’s not good practice to do it with any semi automatic firearm, that doesn’t have a loaded magazine in it (to slow the action). Without a loaded magazine in the firearm, the bolt (or slide in the case of a pistol), does slam forward, possibly damaging the firearm. In that case, you do want to ease it forward (“ride it home”).
Note 2:
The carry handle came with my rifle, which is a Colt. However, it does not have any Roll marks on it to indicate that it was manufactured by Colt. Do a Internet search for AR 15 Carry handle. You’ll find them.
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I’m a new owner of an AR-15 and had no idea on how to clean/take apart my rifle. This was by FAR, the best step by step video. Thank you for the video.
You sir are a very wise, smart (already given, which is why I usually don't like complimenting people on their smarts as it just would seem like patronizing them), and highly informative. Thank you for teaching us not only how to operate America's gun, but also for cautioning us potential issues such as riding it home. Also, I must say (and I'm only saying this for purposes of unity and understanding, and definitely not to get in your face as I'm ultimately demonstrating respect for the "other side", even though we're all Americans and that I personally believe that the left and the right can work together if we all compromise) that as a progressive liberal with a soft spot for guns and gun owners, I really hate it when there's some ignorant person, usually someone like a woman from the suburbs that's just way too selfish and overprotective to the point of paranoia of their children (that they allow to be spoiled troublemakers as they would purposely look away, which they're terrible parents to begin with) that would annoyingly say things like "that's inappropriate, especially around my kids" when a person talks about guns; without much evidence, they automatically think "we're going to cause harm" simply because we're talking about how guns work and such. These particular overreacting parents are essentially hypocrites as they would for example mock the right for being "ignorant and anti-intellectial" (I as a liberal know that conservatives are just as smart (the rational ones, just like there are irrational liberals) as us but they just spend their intellectual pursuits more on engineering, physics, guns, how to defend one's self, etc.; so basically just different things) but if there's say a video game that tells kids how to operate a firearm, they would go crazy and claim that "this game is teaching our kids to be school shooters" which is very absurd as if there was a kid that really wanted to do such a horrible thing, he or she could simply look on the internet to learn how to operate a firearm, and plus teaching how to use firearms is really an intellectual pursuit and a good skill to know if say there's an incapacitated cop and there's a mass murderer on the loose committing actual mass shootings that the irrational overprotective parents were worried about (but they misjudged as they thought it would have been a kid learning from a video game on how to operate a weapon, so he could commit a mass shooting as it simply was some messed up guy who was mad over the breakup from his girlfriend, which nothing would have prevented this tragic situation, unless if one ridiculously calls for the restriction of dating "so that there won't be any more mass shooters due to a breakup" whcih is obviously overkill and a good example of how people are overreacting in this country and taking away the rights of innocent americans) that it woul obvously be helpful if someone knew how to operate a firearm to take out the said mass murderer (which shows that the ignorance and overreactiveness of the paranoid suburb anti-gun hysterical nut would have led to their deaths as it would only be the mass murderer who would know hot to operate a firearm). Also, knowing about guns would teach a person not to do dumb mistakes and would also instruct the user what not to do as well such as not getting rid of the bullet in the chamber even if the mag's taken out; see if they didn't know about guns, they would have mistakenly thought that the gun was "unloaded" when they simply unloaded the magazine without pulling the slide that would have ejected the remaining bullet in the chamber.
Once again sir, thank you for the video and gun education is just education that is always good to know indead of not knowing and remaining/embracing ignornace that I appreciate you making these very informative and highly educational videos sticking it to ignorant, overreacting, paranoid anti-gun lunatics that would once again say annoying things like "that's inappropriate" as if she's "better than you". Also, I would like to say that you are a man with a big heart, on top of the massive amount of wisdom!
Good vid man!
very good
Very instructive video for a beginner particularly the section where you disassemble the bolt. Thank you.
Excellent video, thank you!
Great job on the video! Keep 'em coming. Thank you.
How come you can reload the rifle by only pressing the bolt catch release instead of pulling on the charging handle again?
I am new to the AR-15 style firearms and this video is a excellent resource for disassembly. Clear video with explanation is a perfect way to learn. Thank You.
I just got my first AR-15 thank you for the video this was a lot of info very nice
Very well done video! Thanks
Awesome breakdown and explanation! Simple and informative! Thank you.
Just bought my new AR15. You were much more help than the gun shop employee. Thanks
You're one of those guys who can take apart and reassemble guns in the dark, aren't you?!
very nicely done! Thank you!
I’m planning on serving the country soon. So thanks for these instructions.
I liked your video, I needed more info on what to oil and where
Thank you so much for the video! Its very helpful for someone who just got their first AR-15.
stanfordcoffee, are all AR-15's (inexpensive, expensive) as easy to take apart, clean and put-back together? what brand(s) should i stay away from? i'm not a very handy person. thank you for your video.
Another first-time cleaner who found your video most helpful. Keep up the good work.
Ive got an AR-15 from panther arms DPMS its a 223 cal. i love it . its so frigin accurate its unreal . and the 223 are cheap rounds to shoot and hardly any kick . you can shoot flys with this baby lol these are great weapons even a kid can shoot it !