Home AR-15 AR-15 Wood Stock from Boyds

AR-15 Wood Stock from Boyds


Boyd’s AR-15 Laminated Wood Stock Review. It transforms the look of the AR but still the same feel and controls. Super Strong and Durable stock for the field, bench or home defense.

This is a revised video that was removed from YouTube Because of the Stock Installation.

GetZone Install Video:

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Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission.

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  1. So liberals are afraid of telescoping stocks, but they won't let you show us how to put one on that meets their "safe" criteria. Liberals really are hypocrites.

    I'll have to check out your video on GetZone. Always love your work.

  2. Youtube is a bunch of PC fucking libtards faggots. Suck a dick bitches. If someone shot the youtube headquarters up, I would fucking laugh on the news about that shit. Serious fucking snowflakes.

  3. One of the reasons I watch YouTube is to learn how to do things from how to videos. As long as how to videos don't promote something illegal, I can't see the harm in how to videos on one of the most popular rifles in the USA. Such videos can help to keep enthusiasts from making costly or injurious mistakes.

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