Home AR-15 M4 vs. Pistol AR-15

M4 vs. Pistol AR-15


I’m just saying AR pistol is worthless if you’re trying to shorten it up. Even if you use a Sig brace you still defeating the purpose. Either make an SBR or just get a M4

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  1. I don't think that's a pistol if the length is over 26 inches it isn't. This does effect the legality of carrying it in some states is why I'm pointing it out. Also CCing it on your person is illegal if over 26 inches without an AOW stamp per Federal law(Although thats not practical to do anyways). On the up side if it's over 26 inches you can attach a vertical grip with no problems.

  2. that is a horrible example for a pistol. 1st off the stock is fully extended to the max. I personally stick with the tube only and once you learn how to use it efficiently it beats any stock when using a sling. second off put a folding stock adapter on it and if your doing a pistol your not buying or building a competition long range weapon your building a 100% cqb so going with a 7.5 inch barrel is perfect anything longer you may as well build or buy a rifle because your not getting the benefits from it. with a 7.5 inch barrel I can group 2 inch groupings all day at 100 yards and time size at 15 yards. a cqb needs t0 be effective from 0 to 25 yards max 99% but still capable to 100 yards easily. All said and done it fits in my backpack and you will never know it's there and it falls under every single law of a pistol so as long as you have your ccw you can take it with you anywhere. try crossing state lines with a rifle or sbr.

  3. get a kel tec plr 16, it aint a waste of money. a centerfire 556 semi auto less than 10 inches and 3 lbs that takes ar mags 20 30 or 40 rounders, a freakin flamethrower. my next build. i def like 7.62 better than 223. i recently looked at some ar and ak pistols but they weigh a ton. so i gotta go with the light weight champ. the kel tec. im not trying to compare dropping it in the riverbed and being dragged from a ford f650 bumper for 100 miles. my guns never see a particle of dust so thats not the issue

  4. The pistol is more maneuverable for putting it in a vehicle/for home defense. You can get barrels as short as 6 inches and also don't have to have a brace. You can also use it for deer hunting in pistol season in most areas this way. I think an AKM pistol is slightly better though due to not having a buffer tube it can be a lot shorter than an AR pistol. And 7.62×39 is definitely more powerful than 5.56.

  5. Worthless?   Most States don't allow a loaded rifle in a vehicle. My concealed weapons permit allows me to have my AR PISTOL in my truck LOADED in 28 States. With 20+ round magazines, you have far more firepower in your hands than your typical handgun and can can make reliable hits on 8 inch steel at 100 to 150 yards.

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