Got the AR-15 and the CMMG 22 LR upper and headed out to Peacemaker National Training Center to test the long range effectiveness of 4 different rounds of 22 Long Rifle:
CCI Velocitor
Remington Yellow Jacket
CCI Stinger
Winchester Bulk “555”
If you account for the windagge properly, all these rounds can be lobbed onto the target at 250 yards. It’s becoming apparent that if I want to keep producing videos for this channel, I’m going to have to invest in a good qualify camcorder with zoom and auto-focus. Both would have come in very handy this day!
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I did the second forward assist block is some kind of poli also crack like clock wise at 350 rds so as the 2nd firing pin at 500 rds. Look at their web site they have a full auto forward assist block that is all metal that one wont crack, the firing pin is an issue so I just don't shoot it as much and probably just sale it and get a spikes upper. Watch my videos of it you'll see what Im talking about.
No problems what so ever, probably close to 1700-1800 rounds through it thus far. They have excellent customer service and I'm sure they would want to know of any such quality control issue. The "forward assist" plunger is a fake/non-operational part so it shouldn't be under ANY stress to cause a breakage. Firing pin should sustain tens of thousands of rounds before wearing to the point of breakage. Give customer service a change to rectify the issue. I suggest calling them immediately.
Any issues with forward assist cracking at 350 rds or firing pin breaking at 500 rds?
I am out of town and do not remember, but I think it was Black Dog? I have not had any problems with them, and everyone else I talked to that have them say they work great.
What is the make/model of the drum?
Will do, I need to look into the bolt holdback insert as well. The 50 round drums do not hold open on last shot is the only downfall. But they are so much easier to load it is worth it to me.
Awesome, I'll have to look into the 50 round drum mags for .22LR … looking into getting the bolt holdback insert so the magazines can drop free … I hate the design as it uses the follower as the stop. Check out my latest video for short range plat drops (full sized 8" plate rack).
Thanks for the reply, I have 6 of the grey mags and they do work better when downloaded. I have also picked up some of the 50 round drum mags, and they are awesome! And 10 times easier to load. I have saved a lot of money, wear and tear, and ammo, by not using my 223 upper.
I'm running the CMMG grey mags and they run great if you keep them to 20-21 rounds or less even though they are 26 round magazines. So far I have about 1500 round through it and it's been cleaned about 6-7 times (normally after each outing).
Also, which mags have you been running with yours?
I have put around 4000 rounds through my dedicated upper with out any problems. I have to clean mine about every 750-1000 rounds it seems to keep it running smooth. Have you had similar issues with yours? They are a pain in the butt to clean.
Every time I seriously consider a conversion kit, or any new upper in a new caliber…I end up spending the money on a new rifle instead. What is wrong with me? LOL.
Nice video.
LOL, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. I'll be sure to make a 7 minute video next time
im so glad that i only got to watch a dirt hill for 5 minutes
Have you have issues with the forward assist braking at 300 rds and the firing ping breaking at 534 rds. The upper is beautiful shoots fine but the inner working constantly breaking. Looked at Spikes Tactical and they use the same bolt carrier , Daniels doesnt make a 22 and DPMS is garbage.
BTW, I hope it's not an issue with PSA because my 5.56 upper is from them as well, but I put my lower together myself from their "lower" components kit. Get some video to give me an idea as to exactly what you are seeing.
Shoot me some pics via PM of the hammer or do a VR so I can see … I'll do the same and we can compare. The buffer tube should be wearing at all on the 22LR as the CMMG upper assembly has it's own spring assembly and the buffer tube in the stock isn't being used at all. Do you have the .22LR dedicated upper or the conversion kit? Any wear on the buffer should be from the 5.56 or .223 begin fire … I wouldn't worry about the PSA logo wearing off the buffer as it's normal wear.
I built my AR-15 5.56 , 223 and i also have a cmmg 22lr conversion kit. i only fired 10 rounds of 223 and about 750 to 900 rounds of 22lr. I have wear and tear on the hammer, bolt release and buffer tube, is this normal or just a bad fitting parts from palmetto state armory.
you can see were the black paint is rubbing off and sliver is starting to exposed.
iam just concerned about the life span of my ar-15 or is this just part of the breaking it in.
Thanks Jon I appreciate the compliment. Next big test for me is to do a comprehensive accuracy test on 22 different 22LR cartridges, but I'm looking at a cost of about $150 for the ammo. I'd also need an entire 4-8 hour day at the range and I can never seem to get away for more than 2-3 hours. I have a buddy coming to visit from out of state in a few weeks, so perhaps then
nice shooting man. the view at the range isnt too shabby either!