Home EOTech Eotech HWS RECALL….WTF!!



Discussing if you you should keep that Eotech optic or just call it a loss and start over. The jury is in and L3 Communications owes the government for lying about their Eotech HWS capabilities.

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  1. I’m seeing a lot of people who haven’t the slightest clue about their gear as well as simple science half of you dont even show the competence to have a damn gun now I ain’t saying no one should have them but damn if your going to run serious gear learn how to fucking use it I have 2 eotech 553 optics that I bought after the recall all optics including shit ass trijicon have poa/poi shift if you go from a 120 degree climate say in Arizona then you take that same firearm hunting say in Alaska YOU WILL NEED TO RE ZERO anyone who says no that’s not true is so full of shit and so ignorant METAL expands and contracts why do you think as you shoot and shoot and shoot the barrel expands those of you who have fired hundreds of rounds at a time know what I’m talking about then after it cools it contracts when it heats it expands same goes for optics and when you go from extreme cold that it’s zeroed in to extreme heat and vice versa expansion and contraction but that’s going from extreme heat to extreme cold any of you saying oh my optic had a 20 degree temperature drop from what it was zeroed in and it was off it’s not the optic it’s your piss poor knowledge of shooting fundamentals PERIOD was it right for l3 to lie hell no but over half of you are complete fuck tards and are oxygen thieves so fuck off

  2. WEll crap I just bought 511 from my boss, it's dim as heck in day light. I bought it a year ago of him. Just got to use it this weekend. Wish i knew about this earlier.

  3. I think the problem arises when you come from -40 then you go out suddenly to +122. If the HWS stands at +122 or more then it doesn't affect. I've run my 553 at almost +130 and I did not noticed any shift. IDK, it's just my experience.

  4. Eotech has is a great site. It changes point of impact when the temp goes from -40 to + 120 that is a huge change. No one operates in that temperature swing unless your doing a raid on a ice cream factory in the desert. Even then you don't notice it until about 200 to 400 meters and that far you might want to use a scope anyway. If you get to a hot climate you would want to zero your site anyway because the bullet is going to have a different point of impact. Hey guys stop blaming the site and practice more.

  5. How could this have possibly gone unnoticed for so long? Especially with so many being used in areas such as Afghanistan with huge temp. swings. I notice when my scope is off an inch or two at 100 yds. But up to +-12? Is this getting completely exaggerated?

  6. that's bullshit thay are basically killing are soldiers and that wrong they should have got off there buts right as soon as they found out and took every soldier and law enforcement new sights not jest change some wording in a book. that is a crime knowing there sight will fail the soldiers and law enforcement fighting in those conditions.

  7. I'm going to keep my EOTEC HWS. You can trade them in for red dots.
    I have red dots, that why I got a HWS. why did you get a HD tv? better or not?
    If you truly dislike it or it is proven to be defective for your p.o.u. than return it.
    I currently have three sighting systems for my AR. EOTEC, Leopold scope VIII 4.5-14×50, and Sightmark photon xt 4.5. nv with HO torch.
    My EOTEC pisses on everything in QBC and that's just the facts. It is all so 1/3 cowitnessed with my GG&G flip-ups. So any said shift can be easily checked or corrected for.
    sighting in a gun is not a one time afair boys. If you just leave it in it's case it is. If you get the Dam thing out and use it it's not. It will get bumped around.
    With the switching between systems I do a tweak here or there is expected.
    Set it and for get mind sets are that of a statistic
    not a survivor!
    Is yours a defective unit or are you just jumping on the hate wagon when it rolled by¿?¿?

  8. I purchased an eotech 2-0 about three months ago and had not had a chance to get out to a range. So, I decided to do a bore sight zero for my AR and then I'd fine tune it when I got out in the country with it. I had not heard about the parallax issues or the Eotech recall at the time. But I discovered what I thought were parallax issues on my own. while bore-sighting. No extreme temps (bout 60 degrees). I was using a 4"X4" fence post about 55 yards from the table that I set up on. As I moved my head ever so slightly over the cheek piece, I noticed that the point of impact, indicated by the Eotech dot, was shifting from the center of the post to a point just off the post (I estimate easily 3 inches). I checked, rechecked, and re re-checked for quite a while. After spending $$$ on the so-called "parallax-free" optic, I was ticked, but then I started thinking maybe I had purchased a knock off. When I heard about the government lawsuit and the refund offer, at least I was able to assure myself that I wasn't crazy. If Eotech wants to salvage what little rep they have left, they're going to have a ton of work to do. For the average shooter, $500+ for a sight is some serious coin. One thing is certain….once I get my money back, I won't be purchasing any Eotechs anytime soon.

  9. I got my Eotech out,and outdoor temp was about 40 F. First string on target.Second was high,then,off the damn target onto the paper.I was positioned perfectly.I stood looking at that target,in horror! Either my barrel was toast,or the Eotech, Well,it's not the barrel,I don't have lot's of money to play around with.I wish I had bought something else now.

  10. I got my check last week.My problem is that I paid for aimpoint quality and durability and didnt get that. They knew about this for years. How many military or LE guys had there ass in a sling because they were depending on the optic and it failed them. Its too bad because I loved Eotech. I switched over to the MRO and it has been the best sight I have had to date.

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