a full guide to installing trigger group,magazine release, bolt catch, fire selector, pistol grip, trigger guard, buffer tube, telescoping 6 position stock, and all you need to know for putting together your lower.
ST lower:
PSA MOE lower parts kit:
PSA CTR Stock and buffer:
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Clamping the lower directly in the vise what the hell
Please don't do another build video. I lost count on how many things you did wrong and stopped video on the backwards castle nut wrench. (Which as a result of being backwards slipped off and damaged the nut.
this is a really great video. You explained everything in details and it was not hard at all to understand how this was built. This video helped me build my first ar and i want to thank you for the ar lesson there. Once again, thank you for the video!!!
AR's don't have slide stops or slides
nice job
Thanks man
roll pins + C-clamp = no scratches
The retaining pin for the whatchamacallit. Thank you, very informative. Delete the background music,too, willya?
Good video. Music was cool.
how do I get this. I'm in France. you can't buy gun here so I want to build, to defend from terreror.
Moose, I watched all 4 vids, you did a great job in my opinion. I am disapointed that you did not do a video of building the upper. Do you plan one soon? BTW your choice of music was great , I very relaxing and helped to keep me focused on the action taking place
Great video! Helped a first timer like myself get through a build. Thanks
Dude you saved me on this one. Had to take apart the rifle and made a couple errors in the process with the takedown pins. Thanks!
Lose the dumb music, I quit @ 2:17
The music isn't appropriate for most of the video, but other than that, thanks for your time.
Thank goodness you don't run on about nonsense. GREAT video.
When are you going to show how to put the upper receiver on? +MasterMoose00
Thanks For The Help Man!
you did great except for 1 thing …. what was the point of the tape over your serial # in the other videos if you don't do it here???? this video left me thinking "if someday i can not work on my own AR, i want you doing it for me" …you are really good in my opinion. thanks for letting us all watch you
These people are mean,
nice job got my lower together w your video thanks
good video i learned a lot
Anyone know one without the crappy 80's elevator music?
the "blue stuff" has a name LOCTITE
go watch one of the many other how to build videos of people who know more about ar's because he really knows jack shit!
it's called the RECEIVER END PLATE….you really should learn the proper names of parts before doing another "how to" video
really? he goes to fix a flat in the middle of a vid? he should redo this considering how often he misspells shit and refers to parts incorrectly….now he's telling us about manure? wtf?!
OK 2:20 in and im convinced this guy really know NOTHING about ar15's! an AR does not have a "slide" that is the bolt catch/release…and you don't need a diagram to tell you where each spring or pin goes…it's pretty self explanatory!
is it a good idea to follow the build video of a guy that spells metal in his video "METTLE"?
Nice man
You called the mag release the "bolt release" and the actual bolt release the "slide stop". An AR doesnt have a slide.
6:30 – Razor blade to finger… made me cringe.
Good camera work though. Nice to see every little detail of what's going on.
+MasterMoose00 at the end when you finish the lower end. it sounds like a song from resident evil. gets serious like you just killed a person defending yourself brutally. lol
The vise block makes assembly easier dumbass…..has nothing to do with how the gun fires.
Very nice video! Like the background music, not like other with hard rock music that I can't hear a darn thing they are talking. I don't care about the name of all them parts but I learn more from this video than other "pro". Thanks and keep up the good work!
Spike lower rocks.
One major mistake you done is not using vise block.
I"m done. Can't stand the music.
Looks like certian people (frank), can't appreciate individuals. To each his own. Love the vid moose! Helped me tons, music or not.