Home AR-15 Assault Weapon Kit – The 80% AR-15 Lower Do it Yourself Instructions

Assault Weapon Kit – The 80% AR-15 Lower Do it Yourself Instructions


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Join me as I demonstrate the steps to making your own AR15 lower. This is an 80 percent lower kit from WhiskeyArms. Eighty percent lowers for the AR15 are legal to buy and ship directly to your house with no FFL paper trail for the government. Once your project gun is complete, all that remains is to put some kind of finish on it. Be aware if you decide to have your lower anodized, you will most likely need an FFL to pass off the lower before an anodizer can take possession. I’m a bit fuzzy on the details but do your research.

For purchasing, contact Whiskey Arms:

Printed Instructions Here:

Jan 31, 2014

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The state Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require people who assemble homemade guns to register the weapons and acquire serial numbers before they could legally own them.

SB808 by Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, is intended to combat the spread of undetectable guns that can fall into the hands of people who are legally barred from owning firearms under state and federal laws.

De Leon says so-called “ghost guns” are “built at home and put together like Lego,” often using parts that are widely available without a background check and using videos posted online.

He cites the case of John Zawahri, who authorities said assembled his own military-style assault rifle and killed five people in Santa Monica in a June rampage, even after he was banned from legally buying a gun in California because of mental health issues.

The legislation does not seek to stop the growing production of such weapons, de Leon said. Rather, it updates California law to address a growing market, including weapons made on 3-D printers.

“It does not ban homemade guns. It simply holds these assembled guns at home to the same standard” as other weapons, de Leon said.

His bill would allow the manufacture or assembly of homemade weapons but require the makers to first apply to the state Department of Justice for a serial number that would be given only after the applicant undergoes a background check. The number would have to be engraved on or otherwise permanently attached to the weapon within one day of its manufacture.

De Leon’s bill goes further than the federal government, which last month renewed for 10 years an existing ban on plastic firearms that can slip past metal detectors and X-ray machines.

He plans to amend the bill to require that the guns contain permanent pieces of metal that could be detected by X-ray machines and metal detectors, a proposal that was blocked in the federal legislation.

SB808 narrowly passed the Senate on a 21-9 vote and now heads to the Assembly.

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  1. Assault is an action. Action words are best defined as verbs,if memory serves me here.
    Assault weapon is a term coined by the gun grabbers. And the intent or actions of a person in possession of them has possibilities limited only by the limits of the mind of the person thinking. So the very idea that anyone could possibly know another's intent simply because they possess an inanimate object,or a tool without a brain to think is simpleminded to describe those thoughts or their thought process.
    Someone's coined term defining your level of thought process is allowing you to digress into the pit of stupidity that compares to a "Prosecutor in a Court" that convinces 12 people of the intent of another which no one could possibly know, not once and surely x 12.

  2. This is not an Assault Weapon! Because of people like you who inaccurately represent a firearm the rest of the gullible people who believe everything they see on Facebook or YouTube believe if its black has a pistol grip and a large magazine then it must be a so called Assault Weapon. You and others like you only help the lawmakers with their agenda of disarming us all.

  3. There is no such thing as an "assault weapon". This is a term made up by our DOMESTIC TERRORISTS who are working to disarm the American people. "Assault weapon", like "Saturday Night Special" and "Cop Killer Bullets" are propaganda tools of the DEEP STATE – our DOMESTIC TERRORISTS who want us disarmed. Don't use THEIR terminology.

  4. Don't call is an "Assault Weapon Kit". It's not an assault weapon. Assault is an action, not an adjective. It is a kit to build an AR Pattern rifle, which is perfectly legal and NOT an assault weapon.

  5. Change the fucking title you nut job.

    In case you haven't noticed, no one who is actually pro-2nd Amendment found it funny, rather it just freaks us all out because it's titles like yours that will help strengthen the liberal agenda.

    Why not just change the title of the damn video?

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