Home AR-15 AR-MPR AR-15 Build: Upper Part 4: Bolt Carrier Group and Headspace

AR-MPR AR-15 Build: Upper Part 4: Bolt Carrier Group and Headspace


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Please join me on as I walk through a complete AR-15 adventure starting with a from-scratch AR-15 build. In this video, we’ll walk through the process of assembling the Bolt Carrier Group (BCG), checking headspace, and putting the bolt carrier and charging handle together in the upper receiver. Next, it will be on to the lower assembly!
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  1. I hate these videos. Always show you how to check the head space but how do you fix it if the head space isn't right? I like the video overall, but I'd really like to know how to fix it should the need arise… ) =

  2. guys watch SootchOO on young guns channel he has a video of him taking it to be checked for head space and they show improper hdspace and correct it. It may take searching through some build video's first but its on there.

  3. DANGEROUSLY FLAWED. A minimum of TWO gages are needed, the GO GAGE and the bolt should close on that gage AND the FIELD GAGE and the bolt should not close on that gage. The "no go" gage provides optional information which is not necessary to test if the headspace is within specs.

  4. So what if the GO guage does not fit into the chamber ? … I mean … If the headspace is not correct, then, how does one adjust or fix it ? … the whole point of my watching this entire video, twice, was to learn and understand head-spacing. You only show the condition of correct headspace … you did not mention or discuss what to do if the headspace is not within spec … You did not discuss .223 headspace vs. 5.56mm NATO headspacing OR WILDE Chamber headspace. … No joy, on MY end.

  5. I believe he is using the Colt Field Guage. When he is about to re-install the ejector he has the guage sticking up out of his bench and I am pretty sure I saw the word "Field" on the guage. I did have the same question though. When it comes to safely building a new rifle this is a critically important step to make sure you don't blow your face off.

  6. Very informative, but not educational!
    What does it look like when the head space is too much or too little?
    How is it adjusted?
    Are there shims?
    Crush nuts that are torqued?
    For someone who has no intention of dealing with head space on an AR 15, this is an OK video, but the rest of us NEED MORE INFO!

  7. Hi gavintoobe, You don't say which headspace gauge you are using? They make 3 kinds that I know of….. a GO gauge, a NO GO gauge and a FIELD gauge? I thought you had to use the GO and the NO GO gauge on a new build as one tells you if the chamber is TOO BIG and one tells you if the chamber TOO TIGHT/SMALL…. ???

  8. i have a question for you: my bolt carrier feels lose inside upper reciver, i know upper reciver dia= 1.000" maybe +.002 , carrier has slides( not sure what you call it, do you know what O.D. it has to be? this is my first build and i have trouble finding blue prints online. Thank you for good videos. BTW i went same way as you did yankee hill m. parts, but i got heavy daniel deffence 18" cold hammer forged barrel.

  9. Just built a complete upper and im have cam pin marks on the upper, Note i havent even fired the gun. Just manually cycling. I Have read it is normal behind the cam pin slot but mine is in front of it towards the barrel. Could this be a head spacing issue? Note all components are new and mill spec. vltor mur upper, wilson combat 300 blk out barrel, spikes tactical nickel boron bcg, yhm barrel nut and rail. just concerned considering my other ar15 (DPMS) shows no sighn of this issue.

  10. Still so many unanswered questions. This video just demonstrates without any reason of why and what to do if head space is incorrect. All the fancy video editing and not enough information on the actual task. =(

  11. @islandsoljahz I don't believe there is anything you can do about a barrel that is out of spec and has to much headspace!
    Other than to buy another barrel that has been machined correctly!
    That is the reason match barrel makers use chamber reamers to create minium headspace on match rifles!

  12. I was going to ask you how to put the cotter pin in because mine wouldn't slide ALL the way in for some reason. Not sure why it wasn't, I was putting a lot of force on it but it wouldn't go all the way through(the pin was deep enough that only the head was exposed. After my 6th try or so, I managed to get it to slip all the way in. My bolt carrieg group is all greased up for storage from the person I bought it from, maybe that's why?

  13. most ar15 barrels will not be headspaced proper torque of the barrel is super important as is checking the headspace as shown but if its off and the barrel has been properly torqued your only option is return the barrel for another one but99% of barrels are cut to proper headspace

  14. okay,iunstand now how to check for proper bolt head spacing with the head space tool;but what would one do if there wasn`t proper head space?do you have a video on that or a how to on it?thanks!

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