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ILA | Arizona: BLM Plan Would Open New Areas to Hunting in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a draft resource management plan for the 58,000-acre San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area that will guide management of the area for years to come.  The plan is on line at https://go.usa.gov/xnTuM 

The draft plan presents four planning alternatives.  Alternatives B and C (the BLM’s preferred alternative) would open more than 21,000 acres to hunting.   A chart on Page 2-44 of the draft plan compares the acreage open to hunting under the plan alternatives.  

The public comment period is open until September 27th.   It is important that support for expanding hunting opportunities in the San Pedro be heard by the BLM. The NRA encourages hunters to submit comments online.  Click here for a comment form and click here to read a fact sheet prepared by the BLM about the draft plan.  Click here to read the letter of comments submitted by the NRA in partnership with other national hunting organizations. 

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