Home CMMG installing a free float handguard

installing a free float handguard


installing a free float handguard

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  1. So fuck torquing the barrel nut?????? I found that 40 foot lbs almost always lines up the hole perfectly. And since the torque value is anywhere from 30 to 80 ft lbs it falls right in spec. It's better than just guessing.

  2. I have an AGM M4, the hand-guard is the same but smaller. Every time I hold it by the hand-guard, the little circle with the many holes going around it moves by a few degrees. I can't tighten it because if I do, then the top rail becomes not inline with the other top rail on the upper receiver! What do I do, I can't think of anything to do! Please help!

  3. cant get my barrel nut off, ive tried everything. Lube, heat, strength, nothing works. This is crazy, a task this simple should not be this hard, i'm sick of trying to work on that darn thing. think i'll just got back to my AK.

  4. i got a question i have a stag 2h upper im looking to get rid of the front post and add a quad rail (not sure what kind yet) for a flip up sight aswell as my eotech 512 my question is how do i tell if the muzzle break is pinned or welded on cause i know you need to remove it before the front sight post can come off anyone able to help me out??

  5. That had to be the easiest FSB taper pin removal in the history of AR's. I needed Thor's hammer to get the ones out of my BCM. However, I'm sure they made minor changes to make this segment go a lot smoother. Though, it would have been interesting to see Jim cursing under his breath and wrestling with the things for 10 minutes.

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