Home Nikon Redfield Revenge Review & comparison to Nikon Prostaff

Redfield Revenge Review & comparison to Nikon Prostaff


Scope comparison of Redfield Revenge 3-9 x 42mm and Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40mm
Both Scopes run just under $200, and both are mounted on Remington 700’s.

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  1. No way an Albertan Mule dear back to brisket is 16". The doe I shot last year was 21". Lol. And the Bucks, we'll never measured one, but just a touch more. Would work great for white tail though.

  2. Whoa, hold it.
    You are not being at all fair in comparing these two scopes. You are comparing apples to oranges here.
    The Redfield has, apparently, BDC type reticle and the Nikon model you chose does not,.so that should end this biased review right there
    . My Prostaff with BDC does have similar turrets to your Redfield, and before you say anything about this, my Nikon was bought in 2008, so these turrets have been on Nikon since at least then.
    Redfield scopes have been a part of the Leupold Company since about 2008 ..and as such ( and even before this date ) they have been fine scopes and deserve a more fair comparison.
    The main point I am trying to make here is to be fair when making these reviews and when two or more products are to be compared to one an other, then it would be better to have similar products sitting side by side in features and benefits.

  3. I have a old tasco 3×12  40mm which also adjusted the bullet drop compansation the same way. Redfield is not the first to offer that option. Thank you for your review which I enjoyed and decided to go with the Redfield now. I do own 4 of the prostaffs already and to be honest, I love them. Thanks again 

  4. This is a very unfair comparision btwn a new line of scopes from refield the revenge series vs nikons really old 1st gen prostaff you can't even buy anymore, newsflash current gen nikon prostaffs have zero reset turrets, i had bought myself a redfield revenge and regretted it, blurry hazy cloudy is what i can say about it, and it hissed it's nitrogen out at when i hand zoomed it to max power i was like wtf that was the last straw screw the warranty im taking it back, and back i went to trade for nikons current gen prostaff way brighter way more clear throughout it's zoom range, dont believe go buy yourself one and then try a nikon prostaff in person mounted on a any rifle, this is a very poor representation of these two scopes

  5. …the Revenge is 50 dollars more than the Nikon. The new Prostaff lets 98% light in too! I am really diggin the ballistic range finder on the revenge though. Still, I think with the new turrets and improved light for the price I might go with the Nikon. They must have seen you call their coin adjusted turrets stupid…LOL Thanks for the review.

  6. Nice review. Just bought a Remington Sendero SF II chambered in 7mm rem mag. Was looking at purchasing the Burris Fullfield 6.5-20x50mm with the ballistic mil-dot reticle. Now you have me interested in the Redfield Revenge 6-18x44mm scope with the Accu-Ranger Varmint reticle. The Redfield is less money too. Will have to try and do some serious comparison decisions on this one! What do you think?

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