A review of the replica EOTech that like 60% of airsofters use! I bought it off my friend so don’t ask!

A review of the replica EOTech that like 60% of airsofters use! I bought it off my friend so don’t ask!
I got mine from here and it looks great: https://eastriflescope.com
Great video I got one of my AR 15 and it does great too I’m not going to spend $500 and pay half of what my gun cost when I can use one of these and it’s just as good I’ve had it on there for over a year and it still works perfect
Found it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Green-Illumination-Sight-Detach-Picatinny/dp/B004EN31ZU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1307038508&sr=8-1
Green works a lot better in the day time.
+FoxAirsoftHD DUDE xd not megawatts but milliwats, mega is just as stupid as the giga LOL
The brightness is mor like changing the density
MOH 2010 SONG!!!! One of my favorites, too.
Is that radiation warning real? Is it actually bad to stare at the laser?
Use ur hop up on ur gun for the sight
sorry to burst your bubble.. but you do know that the 552 takes AA batteries right? not AAA.
Who looks through the front of a scope ? and whinges about seeing the light source ?
Any ideas on how to waterproof such as sight?
Is it good outdoors some say no so just asking??
can a REAL eotech fit on a crosman pulse r76?
where did u get this
Can't wait to put diss on my g and g scar l
is there any protection glasses or anything that i can put on my eotech replica?
Were can i buy one
background music?
Gigiwatts lmao! Thats one of a kind