Home CMMG CMMG AR-15 .22 Conversion Review

CMMG AR-15 .22 Conversion Review


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This is my first ever review of any product regardless of orientation. I figured since I have operational knowledge of the tools (not extensive, but functional) I’d post my results in video form. Also, if you’re looking for good reviews, but don’t have time to watch a 10 or 20 minute review like me, you just want the facts, meat and potatoes, evidence, etc, you’ve come to the right place. Go ahead and critique me if you want. I don’t claim to be a professional, or an elitist, but I do enjoy firearms, archery, the outdoors, hunting, fishing, and learning about the different aspects of each. If you’ve got constructive criticism, I’m all ears. But if you’re just a blowhard trying to exercise your dominance, take a hike.

I bought this a couple months ago and FINALLY got a chance to get out put it through some paces. My wife probably shot it more than I did, but it even shows that in the hands of a newer shooter, it still performs well. It shows too how easy it is to use and how fun it can be for all types of people to learn to shoot. The confidence she gained with that particular rifle is invaluable. The same woman who was raising a fuss about why I even needed an AR-14 or any other assault rifle for that matter, enjoyed it so much I practically had to peel it out of her hands so I could take a turn shooting it!

We burned 350+ rounds through the rifle with the conversion kit in it and had NO misfires or malfunctions. I was happy to see how well it functioned with budget ammo. As stated in the video, we shot standard Remington 22 long rifle ammo that I think I paid about $12 for 550 rounds. I find this encouraging, because many of the review videos I’ve seen say you should use premium .22 ammo with the conversion bolt, like CCI, Eley, or Lapua. Most of these types of ammo are not only about 3x more expensive, they’re harder to find in many areas, including mine!

The video speaks for itself, but I’m convinced of the quality of this product. The stainless wipes clean easily, and is removed and inserted just as you would a standard 5.56 BCG using the stock charging handle, ejection port, upper assembly, etc. To clear the gas port of fouling (I’m told this, haven’t actually tried it myself), simply re-insert the original bolt carrier group, and fire a couple rounds of 5.56/.223, whichever you prefer (or whichever your rifle is chambered to).

I can honestly say with this product that I wish I had bought one sooner.There are several good places online that have these and they can be shipped directly to your door, no FFL required. Some that I have found are: (I almost cringe listing these without having some ad revenue set up)


Prices will always vary based on location, stainless or standard matte steel, and shipping costs. I bought my stainless piece from our local gun guy in town and I paid $219. Considering what ammo costs now, not to mention the availability, I think we paid for the conversion kit in our first trip out with it. If you’re a regular shooter of AR style rifles, don’t waste your money on a Colt or Smith & Wesson standalone .22 AR style rifle! Go buy this conversion, you’ll thank me!

This is my first review ever. I did my best to make the video informative as well as entertaining. I’d appreciate it if you would comment and rate.

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  1. many people dont realize that a 22 conversion kit for a rifle, especially an AR, is a really great thing to have on hand in case of SHTF…more ammo options and versatility…hunt big(ish) game or little critters…

  2. how cool is that. I guess it works fine with any. 223 barrel. my only problem might be my Adams arms piston kit that I have on my ati upper. I'm not sure if it's intended only for A DI gun

  3. @cobrachoppergirl the military does not sell seconds to walmart or the public. The military contracts the m4 and m16 to colt, sabre, fn and such. The military doesnt use ar15s. The only thing the military sell to the public that is still being used are blemished or not to spec ammo from thier lake city plant.

  4. I wouldn't call shooting a $1100+ rifle… cheap… $900 AR-15 that failed Quality Control check for the militalry, so sold through Walmart… about the cheapest way you can get one… then add the $200 for the 22 bolt and barrel. Then add in another what.. $200 for a red dot scope? $1300 is an obsene amount to spend on a 22 rifle to go plinking. I got my 22 for $75 used, its tube fed, and no misfeeds. An AR-15 with bolt conversion is about the most expensive way you could go.

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