Home EOTech EOTech Review and POV Shooting

EOTech Review and POV Shooting


Doc6mm took out the EOTech XPS3 to do a little shooting and make a review for us. The EOTech is a great optic for short to medium range optic that is very robust and long lasting. But back it up with irons.

Music: “Big Rock”, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0”

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  1. I've never had the chance to try one. I've wanted to because the Aimpoint is so compact. I suspect the EOTech would be better in terms of field of view but I could be wrong. And I suspect that the Aimpoint would add less weight to your platform. But again, I could be wrong. If I ever get a chance to try one out I'll let you know.

  2. I definitely want one. I currently have an Aimpoint PRO, which will never be replaced by an EOTech. I think I can get over the shitty battery life. I just have seen a lot of problems with them from people on the forums. I'm still going to give it a shot for myself though.

  3. You kind of can, but you have to be careful. Most optics have coated lenses that can be messed up if you wipe them. I don't know the specifics on the EOTech but all of the other optics that I've used require careful cleaning either with a special cloth or a lens pen.

  4. @ga97leo
    There was no mistake. It may have sounded or looked confusing but in the nv setting on the lowest brightness level with the stated nod unit at 1am in the country at 75 to 100 yards, I would have like it to be alittle less bright, it tended to washout/obscure targets due to the brightness so a specific aiming point was difficult. Yes it may be me being picky. It will work fine for a hitting man sized target but a precise head shot will be more difficult.

  5. @ga97leo What was being said was that it is too bright on NV mode….as in when you turn it on NV mode and look through NOD and the optic together it is too bright. It was confusing but the person talking (my friend and fellow reviewer Doc6mm) knew what he was talking about, nor was it a mistake. Sorry for the confusion.

  6. @Rogerthat5x5 that's a good point. I like how tough the EOTech is though. And battery requirements and life are huge to me. I have a cheap red dot optic that is a great optic, but you get one trip to the range on an $3 battery. Plus if I dropped it on accident I'm not positive it would still work. It might. So these higher end optics are sometimes worth it, but a person has to have a lot of personal utility to make up for the cost.

  7. The EOTech's are nice but way to pricey for me. It's not that I can't afford them, it's that I can buy a lot of ammo or other things with the money I save on a comparable less expensive red dot. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for sharing, take care.

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