Building My Ultimate Suppressed 300 Blackout AR-15 SBR
Veronica got a big upgrade today. She feels like a whole new rifle! I am so pleased with how she turned out. Shooting suppressed sub sonic 300 Blackout is loads of fun. Thanks for watching!
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What buffer tube is this?
Great video CBP,
Question, do you find the quick-detach-release a reliable system, have you seen any loosen over time?
Nice rifle! I glad the ammo has gone down!
Skip the NV and go straight to thermal.
Slight end cap strike my friend
“You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”
Damn that's quiet! What suppressor is that though?
Thats about a 5 inch barrel ya know and since ya placed that suppressor on it, it wont do shit for damage, but it is badass. (Gotta account for the chamber.)
does it sound differently in person or is vid good representation of sound?
"Dont Tread On Me" unless its a mandatory fee to grant me another right that the constitution already grants me and if i so choose to not pay the fee and do with my property what i please, then i will go to jail and have this right stripped from me.
are you at the a state park or something? Haha; it's quiet enough!
What is the fore grip??
Omg I want it soooo bad

Where are you? It sucks to be here in cali with all those new grip law even the pistols are going to be gripless hahha!.
So, how reliable is this build?
Could you post a parts and price list for this build please? Thanks
All business build….Good looking rifle too.
what suppressor is that ?
I’m using similar parts for my build. Quick question though did you get the caliber engraved on your lower or can you see it on your barrel through the hand guard?
Have you considered a heavier stock? I have a very similar 300 blackout and mine is front heavy. Switching to a sopmod stock soon for balancing.
how do you like the midwest handguard? im looking at it myself and am worried about the grip mounting.
Let me start by saying man you have a mean 300 blk
i'm a city boy who moved up to the woods i'm on my first AR build and i was wondering if you can give me little help.
Love what you did with your 300 blk the handguard and your suppressor that tight fit is really nice i love the way it looks
The streamline on it is incredible I was wondering if you can help me achieve that look.goseecjones@gmail.com
Sweet set up. How's that Inforce light holding up?
Well done. Nice video brother!
What suppressor is that? Do you ever have trouble cycling subsonic ammo?
Hey bud, do you have an email i can send you to ask you some more questions about this set up?
I like the 8" barrel with the 7" handguard, suppressor fits real nice and close. I plan on building a 300 blackout pistol but with my Sig SRD762-QD suppressor. I may use the same size barrel and handguard since I like that look. Nice rifle.
Perfect for a zombie apocalypse
How much for a build like this? I'd be Willing to buy one if you could give me a price, it looks beautiful man you've got a great eye.
aye bro name a price ill buy it off u
no IR laser – come on man
I might suggest swapping out the aim point top battery to a bottom m4s only another grand
I have a PVS-14 with a ATPIAL-C and that's a very capable setup
It is so quiet it sounded like a gas blowback airsoft
If you were not going to use back up sights. I think the easiest way to get around it would have been to go with an optic like the Vortex Spitfire and you would have an etched retical.
S/o to you and whoever invented 300blackout
Do you think you could make money prepping 223 brass to 300 black out that would be ready to load? You do a very nice job on all your videos, I wish I was not so camera shy.