Building a 10.5 AR15 pistol in 5.56. We start with a stripped lower receiver and build to my specifications including aftermarket trigger, BAD lever, extended mag release.
Step by step build

Building a 10.5 AR15 pistol in 5.56. We start with a stripped lower receiver and build to my specifications including aftermarket trigger, BAD lever, extended mag release.
Step by step build
Really like the way you did this build. Very clear and concise. I'm going to put together a 8.5 inch pistol. Upper already complete and stripped lower, all from Palmetto State Armory. Just ordered pin punches, hammer, etc. Your video will really help with the build. Thanks.
why the hell does every one wear gloves these days.
That is some sweet ink man !
thanks for the comprehensive video, I like the blow up of the parts diagram
Thank you for this howto.
For someone new to this I suggest placing some tape on the lower while driving in the roll pin for the bolt catch…makes it not as easy to scratch. I know you Pro builders and do this easily but I have seen so many new builder slip and scratch that area.
idea for the bolt hold roll pin install , tape+needle nose pliers just squeeze it in ahhh lots faster , easier , cheaper too
Very good, but why no lower vise block, would have made it easier and easier for us to see.
I found that it's easier to use channel locks with tape on the toothed sides to press the bolt catch pin works very well. No marring of the lower.
What weight buffer did you use? Also were you running pistol or carbine length gas system? Thanks a bunch!!
Thanks for the video.
Pretty soon these videos will go away…you can thank a commie liberal for that.
Hey TactAdv where is part 2 to this video
Where is part 2
Tap that rear takedown detent hole with a 4-40 tap …and seal that spring behind a set screw…never worry again
I'm over here watching and keep repeating "that's what she said". I think I'm half retarded..
RE: Mag release install. You can install the roll pin with a pair of goose neck pliers and it is super easy. Just tape the jaws up, and put some tape on the tabs where the roll pin goes to protect the finish. Start the roll pin and get it to just protrude into the gap using the pliers. Line up your release lever on the pin, then squeeze the pin through with the pliers.
Easy peezie, roll pin squeezie!
Great video! Love the custom paint!
7:30 whats that hole in the pivot pin for
Where’s part 2 to this video? Can’t find it.
If it wasn’t for your tattoo I’d have thought you recorded this in black and white. I can’t see shit!
How much did it cost you? Do you need to put any lube during the assembly?
I can’t seam to find the video for the upper. Can you provide a link?
Dude, you sound like Johnny Knoxville
love the paint job. do you have a video on that?
I've done several builds with Anderson products. All very great!! Question: Why did you use a 10 1/2'' barrel and not a 7 1/2''? It would've been lighter. And why did you put a, what looks like a butt stock on it, which I know it's not a butt stock? Just use a buffer tube. My pistol weighs 4lbs. 12oz. The AR rifle is the one I used the Anderson lower & upper on. On all my builds, I like a contrast of stainless barrels and muzzle brakes, and gas blocks & gas tubes. The reason my pistol is so light is I used an F-1 Firearms Skeletonized upper, & a Ghost Firearms Skeletonized lower. I also have a Mega Arms Skeletonized trigger group and hammer. The handguard is 7'' by Fortis. I also have a X-Products Skeletonized 50 round drum magazine. Which looks very bad ass on the pistol!! Wish I could send some pictures of it to you. Anyway, very good video, and very detailed assembly. Thanks Jay
Great video
Anderson lower are AWESOME love them
We designed a QD Set Screw for the Shockwave Blade. Check it out.
300 Blackout s'more fun and more bang for the buck
sorry don't like Anderson products
this was exactly what i needed to see debating on next gun purchase building or buying an AR pistol think I'm gonna build the lower and buy the upper complete nice one dude thanks
good looking lower
Need more light. Can't see shit!