Home EOTech Leupold LCO Reflex Sight Review and Testing

Leupold LCO Reflex Sight Review and Testing


This is a review of the Leupold LCO “Leupold Carbine Optic”. This is hands down one of the best 1x optics on the market. It’s durable, simple and high tech all in one. Link to LCO Below

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  1. Good-looking side, but the the pricing is a little bit ridiculous. I'm sure it's high quality, but it's $700 I don't know anyone who wouldn't just go for AimPoint or Trijicon. I'm not saying Leupold needs to drop down to hollow sun prices, but if this optic was $450 that would be much more appropriate, and I probably buy a couple

  2. I watched the clone review and even looking through the video the dot was crisp and a pin point easy 1 moa on the clone. I am looking at one from a seller with great feedback score and it is 60.88 = 3 dollars shipping.

  3. I have been using these for a while. I have also run Aimpoints, EOTechs, and the Triicon MRO. This may be the best yet, but Leupold's high pricing will keep them small in the market. Two complaints about this optic–you can see the projector down range as you point out. Also–doing your own parallax test where you put the optic on a stable surface, put the dot over a small target, and then move your head around to see how much the dot moves off the target……you can see that the sight is not as parallax free as an EO Tech or Aimpoint.

  4. nice optic way too big this reminds me of a better version of the vortex razor red dot ill pass on both I am happy to see the battery life is competitive with the market atleast more than can be said for vortex' "best"

  5. We need to stop Paying for name if it's not superior to even something "serious" like a sight mark which I have found to be excellent quality and accurate, and for $100 bucks lol . We the people need to get over this "made in America" bullshit if "made in America" is going to continue to rip us off. I want to buy American but lets be honest, Americans are controlled by a greedy elite who taxes the fuck out of American companies so I don't fully blame the companies but many companies are still responsible for trying to make WAY TOO MUCH profit. It's fuckin bullshit! I will never pay 500 dollars for a red dot when a product like Sight mark comes out and can compete with it easily. And to any debating replies, don't be such a fanboy or so "patriotic" that you can't see that it's your ignorant pride arguing with what I'm saying, vs logic agreeing with the reality. Lower your prices American made companies and I will gladly support you. You have duped us all into believing your product was worth the money for far too long. Companies like Eotech, Aimpoint and Trijicon have been ripping us off for years because nobody was willing to show it could be done for much cheaper and now we have it with products like Vortex and Sight mark. God bless non greedy companies when it comes to the second Amendment and selling products that help ensure our liberties! Fuck the rest of them!

  6. Has anyone used this with a standard magnifier (flip down style etc)? I'm thinking about getting the LCO, but trying to research how it does with a standard magnifier is next to impossible because all of my search results are of the DEV-O unit, which is neat, but out of my price range

  7. If I could afford it I would go for it. But dang. That's high. I bet if they made an economy version large-window optic like that it'd do well. Some of the guys running these in the local 3-gun are saying it's blazing fast, much faster than a micro like a T2 or something. Everyone was interested in it until they found out about the price. I feel like a cheaper version would slay in the market though! The desire and demand is there!

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