Building a standard AR-15 A2 Upper Receiver is pretty straightforward. Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, shows how it’s done. Starting with an explanation of the tools required, from the action blocks to a barrel wrench, the use of each tool is explained in depth. The installation of the ejection port cover, forward assist, front and rear sights and barrel are all covered. In this build, a demonstration of how to check headspace is shown before assembling the bolt and carrier. Next, the delta ring is installed on the barrel and the barrel fastened to the upper receiver. Finally the installation of the gas tube and compensator are detailed.
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Yes, you can do it with fewer tools. However, there is an inverse relationship between the time it takes to complete this task and the number of specialized tools you use.
There is also an inverse relationship between the number of specialized tools and the amount of profanity it takes to get one of these things assembled.
Hi Larry, Don't you need to index your barrel wrench at a 90 degree angle with your torque wrench before torqueing your barrel nut? The way you indexed it will not provide an accurate reading of the torque you are applying.
Is this on CD?
14:10 ….ouch… use a punch to install the extractor pin…. I guess I was spoiled with my m16/m4… I'm used to that part being held in place with friction only and being removeable with my fingers
I understand that the leftists that run youtube are planning to ban instructional videos such as this.While the do have the right to do so, I suggest that if they do, we all stop watching you tube. Y.T. is useless without content that we wish to see.
Don’t buy AR Stoner products I bought a stripped upper and when I finally went to build I found that it was miss machined at the front pivot pin bore. Because I was 4 months past he 1 yr warranty they would not exchange. POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE CLOSED ACCOUNT WILL NEVER ORDER FROM THEM AGAIN!!!
Hey Larry, re-check your torque wrench usage rules. The barrel wrench, the way you have it on the torque wrench, is acting as an extension and requires recalculation of the torque. However, if you don't like to do simple algebra, turn the barrel wrench so that it is 90 degrees to the torque wrench, then the torque dialed in will be the torque applied.
Larry can I install t h e select tor switch from the right side due to the face I am left handed
You missed an opportunity to plug your lapping tool and lapping compound!
Where does he buys all his tools? Lol Joke aside very nice vid!
You don't need all those tools is good to have them, but u do t use all that sorry my honest opinion …
Would have thought Mr. Toolbox would have used a Reaction Rod….
Superior example of overengineering.
Just buy magpul rear sight
I like how he does this all in a clamshell fixture in a vise, triggering all the "hurr durr, muh reaction rod" and the "you'll shear off the index pin if you don't use a barrel clamp" people.
Thanks for this. Everything after 20:00 or something is what I was needing
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you were supposed to lay down some RTV sealant between the gas key and the bolt carrier? Also you're supposed to keep the barrel nut wrench 90 degrees to the shaft of the torque wrench.
My firing pin isn't quite as snug in there as yours. At 19:15 where you pull back on the firing pin with the small tool and it doesn't seem to move. Mine moves pretty easily with just my fingers. Maybe 1/4" or a little more. Is that bad?
Why this dude so excited?
My go no gauge is usually the first round. It goes or it doesn't. I have never seen or heard of an AR fail headspace. An ak on the other hand, it may be worth looking into
i hate the music
You would think from these assembly videos that the AR was more grease than metal lol
Actually, my weapon of choice for handling E-clips is a good sized hemostat. Holds as well as a needle nose but you can lock it tight on the clip, lay it on the bench till you need it and install it very easily. I keep a dozen or so assorted size hemostats in the tool box.
man i wish he was my neighbor/dad/grandfather.
Thanks for the great video. It gives me confidence that I could do this with the right equipment.
There is a specific grease you NEED to use on the barrel nut, if not the world will stop rotating and time will come to an end!
Outstanding video , excellent presentation.
Yes he will most likely use all these tools, but it is not necessary.
You could get by with the following
Magwell Block
AR Receiver Vise
Torque Wrench
Armorer's Wrench
Roll Pin Punch
Punch Set
Screw Driver (Flat Head)
File Hammer
Needle Nose Pliers
Wheeler Bench Block
Aero Shell M3 Grease
By far the most complete, thought out, and descriptive assembly video I've seen. Larry, you sir are a gift. Kinda like the Mr. Rogers of the gun world…except, you know, with a great company that you built…
when I put together my ar I got an assembled upper and did the lower myself. I'm only 5 minutes into the video and there is no way on earth building the upper is easier than the lower. no freaking way. look at all those tools!
i like tetra grease. i got a tube of it in 2013. still got more than half of it left. and i clean my guns at least 2 times a month
Damn I wanted to see the finished rifle!!
So how much do all the tools cost he laid out?
What is the blue, disk-shaped device that the bolt carrier is resting on while he is working on the bolt carrier group? It was not listed at the beginning of the video when the tools were displayed. I can't find it on the Midway USA site.
In addition to using these "how to" videos to promote the use of the tools that he sells, Larry is doing this for teaching purposes. He would be exposed to liability if he taught shoddy methods that resulted in a viewer being injured. I don't know how many of his tools some of you could do without and I really don't need to know. He has a double motivation (two perfectly good motivations) for teaching things the way he does.