Home AR-15 Bushmaster XM-15-ES2S review: Good value

Bushmaster XM-15-ES2S review: Good value


Received some requests on budget guns so here we go.

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  1. FYI the bolts used are the same as GI. they come from the same line/parts box.so ARE The barrels expl marked (B MP C) ..the BC is a AR15 CUT not m16/4.and just so you know..Bushmaster dose have a military contract.. and your stock castle nut is on backwards…lol … 22years in the USMC. if you seen how FN/Colt/ make the Barrels you would shit…they have a 20 ton press.. if the bore gauge drags in it when dropped in.. they tweek it with a press…LMAO..and you see that thing flex like it was rubber…the only thing not GI on a bushmaster is the trigger parts and and some of the (plastic) ALL military M4/M16A2/3/4/ have chrome lined bores..(its hard chrome) not the stuff you see on car/trucks…lol

  2. Old video but have to say a lot of things have changed. Bushmaster has m16 BCG's , their fit and finish are fantastic , their stocks are tight , and they have a new factory. I love my bushie.

  3. When you said that the action didn't stay back with the one mag, implying that the empty mag should have kept the action open,then you replaced it with another mag and fired. That would indicate that there was a round still chambered, therefore the action would not have stayed back. Good, informative video, just sharing my observation.

  4. I found the 20 inch version at a local flea market. Little to no wear on the outside. Locked the bolt to the rear, inside
    seems clean. My only problem is the guy couldn’t tell me how old it is or how many rounds went thru it. Price was firm $625. Would it be any good? Barrel was 1:9 twist heavy barrel.

  5. Coming from you this is a damn good rifle! I have one like that with the 16 inch H-bar. Has served me good so far. Payed 1100 bucks way back when! They must of seen me coming!! LOL! that was also my first AR I had ever bought back in the day! Glad you liked it! Hate to have to get rid of it!!! LOL! good review man!

  6. I love that people are trying to tell you to take a class and learn how to shoot an AR when you are military and have multiple vids of you taking the exact kind of classes they are talking about!! Makes me laugh! Great vid

  7. Good try, but your rifle form is all wrong – Try taking a basic Rifle Class, it will do you good, and teach you how to properly shoulder and hold a rifle. Marksmanship will improve dramatically.

  8. I just put 150 more rounds through my Remington made Bushmaster, that I bought before the big run on AR's in 2012. The last 50 were rapid fire, at about 40 rounds/min. Flawless as usual. There's nothing wrong with this rifle.

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