Available in HD! A fun day at the range with the EOTech 516.A65/1 & G23.FTS 3x Magnifier.
Note: I apologize for the re-upload. I had to correct a typo on the title in the video intro.
Thank you!

Available in HD! A fun day at the range with the EOTech 516.A65/1 & G23.FTS 3x Magnifier.
Note: I apologize for the re-upload. I had to correct a typo on the title in the video intro.
Thank you!
How is using the optic left handed does the magnifier get in the way when leaned to the side?
I have one and mine is very blurry except when you use the magnifier.
Great video sir
Great shooting dude! I like your setup.
what kind of grip is that? i am new to ar's and just bought one.
Nice runs brother! Thinking about the same setup
Can the magnifier be moved/flipped to the left?
love how you showed what the sight looked like with the magnifier! awesome camera work.
Who is here from Rainbow Six Siege?
What gun are you using? Great video my friend!
i need to be next to you when shit hits the fan…
Great video man. Can't wait to get my 512 in
Hey Louie . I know this video is a few years old . But very cool . I'm interested with your experience of shooting steel case ammo . Do you continue to use it .? Did you ever have any issues ? Do you use wolf tulammo or both.? . Thank u
are you happy with your eotech? I'm thinking about ordering the same model for $375.
Amazing video & control… awesome shooting and hits! I just built myself a 10.5" .223 Pistol and I mounted a EOTech EXPS3-4 with a G33.STS Magnifier on it. I will be throwing some lead down range tomorrow. I look forward to upcoming videos.
Slick camera work brother
@ 2:06 (the sound of the rounds firing is pretty awesome!)
Awesome shootin, I have subscribed and hope youd do the same for me ma friend.Love it, I have the EOthec 553 with G33 3x magnifier although I have not made a video yet.
awesome range
Impressive shooting!
bad ass vid
Love it bro! Looks like a lot of fun
Love your video! How many acres of land is that? Thinking about buying some land so i can mod it just like yours. Thanks in advance!
It'd be great if you could tell us what distance you're shooting at?
Nice shooting, that looks so fun. I have a novice question. Is mounting the flip to side mount to the right standard? Do you have problems with ejecting shells hitting the magnifier? Just curious before I set up mine.
smoother operator
Nice Shooting brother..I plan on getting a 516 with the EO Tech XPS3 and G33 Magnifier once I redeploy from overseas.
How much did both of those optics cost you? Super jealous of the setup you got there
I've got the urge to splurge on a AR 15 and do it with optics . What a video You have done . Thank You .
Freakin' excellent views! Thank you!
Can the magnifier mount be situated so it can flip it from 12 o'clock to 9 o'clock position or to 270* from 360* position?
Thanks! I got another question, I wanna do a similar video so how did you get the camera to focus through your sight?
Nothing personal but I hate you for how much fun your having lol. I was thinking of this setup for a new AR 10 308 build. And now I'm basically sold. Thanks for all the work with the different camera Angeles very helpful video
Thanks for the vid-really helpful.
I love the camera angle in this video. I hope you dont mind but when I get my XPS2….im going to copy your video style lol.
Hey bud, what kind of mount do you have for the magnifier? I notice you push a button and it flips to the side.. Great video boss man! Semper Fi!
My next buy
Freaking Awesome video! Many people just don't know how difficult it is to produce this type of video. I found it excellent! POV, offset views, reverse POV, etc., WOW! That must have been great fun! I'm glad I had an opportunity to see it!
Awesome vid. Wish I had somewhere to do a run like that.
I'm hung on trying to decide on this setup or if i just go straight to the Trij. I'm not quite sure which is better because it will mount my ar-10 and i want something with a little quicker acquisition but still be able to strive for 3-500 yards, Any thoughts?
Very nice video!!!
so how stable is the G33 when behind the optic? will it fill to side easily with a small bump?
magnifier for 20 yards why?
Great run
Dude. That was freakin awesome.. was looking to see if I should go with eotech and 3x magnifier. And I think you helped me make up my mind. Great video brother..
great video