Let me know what you think of the before and after of this Rifle. Did you like the all black Mil-Spec hardware or do you like the upgraded Magpul furniture! Let me know down below! Also don’t forget to share the video for more firearm content!
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Do more gun videos please
Looks like the NV4 Flatline from Infinite Warfare.
How does the weight compare before and after? Much difference? I already have a MOE grip, and looking at that had guard and maybe butt stock.
I don't think this guy knows what "Mil spec" means. He's used it wrong a multitude of times
Where did you purchase the set-up?
I love battle filed 1
and I love your videos

So is the m@p sport 2 a mil spec stock and buffer tube or comercial spec?
which handguard did you order to be able to keep your factory front sight and sling swivel?
Damn wtf! I got a Airsoft RM4 and you got an AR! Nice gun bro
nice I have the same rifle but longer barrel
Hey X39, i need some things printed, where do i contact you and how much would it cost?
nice bro USA has very good weapons:)
It seems cheap
shouldve built your own i bought mine from palmetto state armory
cool, but i prefer Keymod rails instead of the Magpul rail.
you need to get a sight now and a 50-100 rd drum mag
I wish we could get guns like this in Australia
Like if you support the Second Amendment. Please make more gun related videos.
is this airsoft
Is this a real gun?
holy crap, I thought it was a airsoft rifle. I didn't know it was real.
Sell enough Legos, and I recommend getting a piston AR. Worth the extra cost.
wow! Cool
how does he have so much money to do this stuff anyways?
He seems responsible about his firearms
is it real
you should do more firearm videos:)
when you jump from lego to FUCKING gun in 2 days, btw
that gun is sexy as fuck…
You should definitely do more firearm related vids
lol kek
the guns real right
looks pretty sweet honestly
plz reply