Home AR-15 AR15 Buttstocks by Magpul and Vltor

AR15 Buttstocks by Magpul and Vltor


This video is about collapsable buttstocks for the AR15 platform. Support our channel by becoming a “patron” We look at the CTR / STR by Magpul and the IMod and EMod by Vltor.

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  1. I have an LE-901 .308 with a SWFA SS 3-15×42 scope and a Trijicon RMR fiber optic holographic on a 45. The windage turret sits right in the middle of the holographic if I don't lift the scope a 1/4 inch. Because its a x42 it already sits high. So here is my question. What Check Riser would you put on a Vltor?

  2. where are you in NH … I would like to try out some stocks for a build Im doing …I do like the Vltor just not sure which would fit me better. ..and Im looking for some tactical/ 3 gun training. .and my girlfriend is a new shooter who needs. basic training …more than I can give in a pit atmosphere

  3. Magpul ACS
    For all the curious folk out there, is awesome. As I do find it's a little heavier than both the CTR & IMOD, but with all the storage compartments it has and the enhanced cheek well makes the weight difference not matter much at all. (Especially on the BCM 14.5" lightweight fluted KMR I just built). Only small problem I find with the ACS is that being a smaller build male (5'6", 150#) the stock is a little bit longer than I was use to when I ran the CTR. I do like to have my nose rest right up against the charging handle, just takes a little of practice when you switch to the ACS!
    Stay safe shoot straight!

  4. love your videos.  I do have a question and I'm not being critical with it, but how can you justify having so many AR's when they're as flexible as they are?  Everytime I'm tempted to buy another AR I always talk myself out it based on it's flexibility.  I guess I'm needing help justifying another AR purchase.  Thanks again for great videos.

  5. i run a ctr on my carbine and a ubr on my 20"rifle…both great stocks, the ubr is rock solid with a near perfect consistent cheek weld but it's kinda heavy…the ctr feels great and is nice and light.. have not shot the magpul acs stock yet, and the vltor is a sweet option for another rifle…i suppose it's time for another build

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