Home AR-15 The Cheapest AR Build on the Internet ($270)

The Cheapest AR Build on the Internet ($270)


In this video I itemize what makes up what I believe is the very cheapest possible AR15 build. This includes everything except for a magazine which presumably one could acquire for around $10.
I am reviewing a kit by “Ceratac – value by design” and their parts included. Thanks for watching, check this out if you’re interested.

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  1. You are a total retard. You're one of the cheapest bastards I've ever seen in my life,you sit there and talk about how mind-blowingly cheap the gun is and then you complain to the manufacturer for not including a sling Mount because you saw one in the picture online? Who couldn't go and buy a stinging $10 sling Mount at your local gun store you had to get one for free from a company that is already giving you an AR-15 that cheap? On top of that you sound like a complete moron in this probably works on a gas-operated system so you don't know if it's even going to function at all yet. And I've never heard an AR-15 sound that horrible when you cycle the bolt. every time you pull that charging handle this sounds like grinding brakes on a school bus. You come across as a complete moron and for safety sake she might want to have a gunsmith look at that before you fire it, so you don't blow your stupid head off your idiotic shoulders. better yet do the whole world a favor and just go out there and start blasting rounds off.

  2. just built a 9mm ar platform with shockwave brace totalling out to 295 after shipping,before transfer. remove the shockwave and just with tube and i have thisbuilt in 9mm for 245 $ 7.5 barrel

  3. Bought from Ceratac earlier this year, An AR kit without the lower. Was inexpensive, but then there was shipping and CA Sales Tax.
    Went to assemble it and the Charging Handle has to be slammed to latch and the dust cover won't latch. Stopped work till I contact them for a new upper receiver.

    I have been happy with Palmettto State Armory so far. Have a few uppers with lower parts kits I have bought and they are already assembled, no sales tax for CA and free shipping.

    I still want to finish my Ceratac since I like knowing how to maintain and repair the weapons on my own.

    Look forward to contacting Ceratac about exchanging the upper I received.

  4. After every gunshow we see a bunch of people with AR pistols exactly like this one (I'm sure they were built using the same exact parts kit). Let me know if your gas block walks or that handguard rotates…

  5. I have found that the wyde barrels will not cycle steel cased ammo as they expand and become jammed in the barrel due to expansion. Let me know if anyone has the same/differ experience with wyde barrels

  6. I just got my kit and I'm new to this I got SBR by ceratac and upgraded to have upper and lower assembled do I need drill any holes ? For example the trigger slot has not been done? Lol sorry I'm just new to all of this

  7. Im in need of help protecting my family . last week there was a home invasion in the apartment access from our apartment. it has me freaking out because I dont have a way to protect and keep my family safe . so if anyone has used AR or glock parts they could donate would help so much .

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