Home StreamLight Streamlight TLR-7 Weapon Light: Does It Suck?

Streamlight TLR-7 Weapon Light: Does It Suck?


The Streamlight TLR-7 Weapon Light doesn’t full suck. But the Streamlight TLR-7 Weapon Light’s controls do suck. I had high hopes for the Streamlight TLR-7 Light. Hoped to use the Streamlight TLR-7 Light on my Glock 19 and downsize from my Surefire X300 Ultra I have become accustom to using. But the lackluster controls on the Streamlight TLR-7 Light have me sending it back. Other than the controls, the Streamlight TLR-7 Light is a fantastic light and I would switch if the controls were more ergonomic to a modern pistol grip.

The Streamlight TLR-7 Light has 500 lumens and has great performance. Maybe not the super hot center as the Surefire X300 Ultra, but it is good enough for me to switch and save lots of space. Hopefully they redesign the controls for our modern times.

Streamlight TLR-7 Light Link:

Current CCW Glock 19 Setup:
True Precision X-Fluted Match Barrel
Light Fighter Innovations Stipple Job
Jagerwerks Slide Work
RMR07 v2
Agency Arms Magwell
SSVi TYR Trigger
Heinie Straight Eight Sights
Surefire X300U-B


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  1. I was also very disappointed with the controls. I had an xc-1 (first gen), which severely lacks in blinding power, but the controls were awesome. I love the brightness and size of the TLR-7, but I hate having to shift my support hand grip forward to hit the switch.

  2. Great point regarding your concern with the controls! I think though that for folks who aren't concerned about using their firearm tactically, clearing rooms and such, or conceal carry then these controls are fine. Folks who have their firearm on their nightstand in case an intruder were to enter the large master bedroom at night and who simply want a quick tap to turn the light on to illuminate the threat, these controls are just fine.

  3. Just got mine and I agree on the controls. Feels like they designed it as if you're expected to actuate the controls as you're drawing and mounting your support hand to the gun. Too awkward compared to my TLR-1HL. Going to call Streamlight.

  4. Exact same thoughts as you, but I'll be keeping mine. It rides on a sub compact model so size is a little more important versus developing a movement that is a little more natural to manipulate. Just got it today so that opinion may change next month.

  5. Hey guys I found an issue with the TLR-7&8 design, please put it out there. My battery kept dying and I figured out that the buttons would be depressed during carry as I use a Ramora Sticky holster. Do not use soft holsters with TLR-7 and 8's.

  6. I have to agree with you, CaptainBerz. The sized of the TLR-7 combined with its very decent output of 500 lumens makes it ideal for concealed carry sidearms. I've got two of them, one on my SIG P229 Combat and one on my HK USP Compact (using the GG&G rail adapter). But the operating controls are terrible. I greatly prefer the controls on the Inforce APLc, which I have on my HK P30sk. So, at this point, I'm hoping that: 1) Streamlight will quickly realize the terrible controls design and quickly remedy the problem. 2) Inforce will come out with a 500 lumen APLc, while maintaining their awesome paddle/flipper controls or, 3) Some other manufacturer that I am not yet aware of will design and manufacture a weapons mounted light with the size, form factor and light output of the TLR-7, but with the controls of the APLc. Anybody know of an existing light that fits the third option?

  7. I love the size of the TLR7 for CCW. I have a fleet of X200A X200B, X300's, X300U's… also have a Gothem like yours, It's not the most comfortable setup so I bought the TLR7 and have been carrying it for a few weeks now. Yes, the control is not optimal but its way more comfortable to carry.

  8. I don’t know if you have any interest in it but my take on the controls is the same as yours. I just spoke with streamlight this morning and they said that they have been getting requests to change the control input and once they receive “enough“ requests they will have product development look into changing/amending it.
    The rear area appears to be hex screwed in and could possibly be changed to some small paddles after some R&D by streamlight.
    Fingers crossed but not holding my breath.
    However if enough people do email or call… then maybe.

  9. I've had two Streamlight lights fail on me. Both were TLR-3's and they were purchased within 16 months of each other. Not sure about production date of either, but on my carry (M&P9) I got my gun out for a bump in the night and started to splash the hallway and nothing. Momentary – nothing. Constant on – nothing. Many batteries later it still doesn't engage or turn on when it's selector is actuated.

    Light #2 – same issue. Both guns are daily carried (wife and myself) and the firearms are in holsters designed for the firearm/light combinations. I've lost all faith in the TLR-3, but not maybe in the entire company as a whole. I've shifted the platforms over to the x300 Ultra since.

    I do know many people who run Streamlight TLR-1HL and have been through many courses and it's lasted for them. Could just be that the TLR-3 is a very cheap light when compared to the TLR-1?

  10. Good review. I like the price of the TLR's, but the controls suck for the most part. I prefer the Surefire XC1 for it's size. I give up the lumens, but I can carry it comfortably, which means I'll actually carry it.

  11. The Surefire 300 Ultra is way too thick for pistol Conceal Carry, especially Appendix. Better for a rifle. The Streamlight TLR-1 hits the best sweet spot for me. You are way too picky about theTLR-7 IMO. I would never switch lights at this point because Kydex Holsters are expensive and waiting times long. I have the TLR-1 HL on several pistols and not about to change for any new light no matter what.

  12. I was very interested in this light when it was first announced by hearing the feedback about the controls has stopped me from getting one. I'm sure it's something I could learn to deal with, but I'd rather see if Streamlight will change the controls to paddles. I think some APL style paddles would make this an ideal CCW light

  13. We as a gun community criticize our products so much to the point it’s just gotten ridiculous. We think we’re gonna be operators or something lol
    Yea situations can happen, 100 percent but damn why has shit gotten so critical! To where we can’t take our grip off a weapon light for a second to engage it. Jmo

  14. 1:04 mark. What are you trying to say? Can you please spell it for us. I pride myself of being an expert linguist but I won't even attempt to spell that name.

    I too am a kid of the 80's and 90's, and constantly find myself confusing the old TRL show on MTV with the Streamlight TLR series weapon lights. Glad I'm not alone in this minor struggle.

    Lastly, do Donkeys really love peanut butter? I have never heard of this before. Interesting analogy if I do say so myself.

    Keep up the good work my friend.

  15. TLR-7 makes an excellent minimalist weapon light for a monolithic rail AR using amidexterous c-clamp grip.
    Mine is mounted in front of Daniel Defence front sight.
    I index off the resr of front sight for repeatability.
    No tape switch or wire, Murphy must work harder to screw light activation up.

  16. wouldn't you use your trigger finger to engage the light? I prefer a momentary light enough to illuminate and possibly blind an attacker and not a constant on which will give away my position to additional bad guys. I like the flatness of it and with it not protruding from the barrel makes it better for me to conceal carry.

    I haven't played with it personally but a dream set up would be a TLR-7 with laser a zev trigger KKM barrel and comp on a glock 43 for nighttime summer urban carry.

  17. I think the grip point is more an individual user preference. I personally stopped putting my support hand thumb on the the ledge of my frame because under speed I’m more apt to side load the frame with my thumb and throw shots. I’d agree the operation mechanism seems less ideal for the same reason you mentioned with the side loading as well. I’m a lazy turd and just carry a light in my pocket however haha.

  18. I was very disappointed with the TLR-7 after I tried to activate it one handed. I wear size large gloves and my trigger finger is to short to hit the switch without breaking my grip and rolling my hand. I love everything else about the light tho. Streamlight was so close to hitting a homerun. I wouldn’t even call it a ground rule double unless they update the switches.

    I’m sticking with my TLR-1 HL. There honestly isn’t much difference in bulk between a single cell and double cell WML. Yes there is some, but if you are in shape, and have the right holster/belt it’s not an issue. I carry a G19 w/TLR-1 and spare mag 12+ hours a day appendix. With zero issue. Honestly the light adds more comfort then without. It keeps the holster from rolling outwards and rides right in the crease of my leg .

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