Assault rifle Bushmaster AR15 free target shooting. We are resetting adjusting Leopold Mark 4 for close shooting. If you ever decide to get the proper training for defensive shooting, you will get tested at 25, 15, and 7 yards. You do NOT necessarily need the optics we use here. You will be better off with an EOTech sight in defensive shootings. EOTech lets you keep both eyes open at all times even when shooting, giving you huge angle of view in defensive shooting situations.
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It's not an assault rifle it's a modern sporting rifle. Calling at that is like a racial slur
This saying assault rifle triggers me….
Semi Auto Rifles Are Semi Auto Rifles , Fully Auto is what You would call an Assault Rifle
strong trigger discipline…
55 or 62 grain is the determining factor of kick. But no round is unmanageable, as perhaps a 7.62×39.
Does anybody know like how much kick a 223 has? just wondering
My dad has the gun it is so loud on camera it doesn't sound loud tho
control your finger my friend. Keep it towards the back and slowly release to the reset point. Also, that last round, you flinched lol.
1thing that I want to do is staying away from this guy ….. His finger @_@
As long as the jackass lieing Liberals are running things these will be very necessary…
nice bro! i to have a Bushmaster .223/5.56. but i did notice you called the MAGAZINE,
clips haha
You are a complete youtube troll, full of suppositions and slippery slopes which I frankly have no time for. You've rambled your poor way from HIV to Piers Morgan, without making a single cohesive argument.
I mean you sound like you've been just let out of the cult house after an extensive bout of brainwashing, and you are trying to, quite pathetically, get everything you've crammed out, before they put you back in for another crazy session of anti-govt. therapy. LOL.
Part 1: Also, to your "cliche" comment. You didn't even know what an AR was until Piers, and other liberal media outlets told you that " this is something we need and somehow CAN fix." You're going off of what someone else told you as well bud. Secondly lets just say that gun legislation is passed. It won't b/c politicians on BOTH sides know that it's a fallible endeavor. If it does, how do you propose we take care of the the guns and magazines that are already in circulation?
I know you don't use them b/c you don't let little things like history, wise people who have been on this earth longer than you, ALL statistics, and reality dis-way you from what you know to be true.
Here's another quote to ponder( or are you more intelligent than this man ha!)
“Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all.” J. Gardner
You fit the bill sir/madam
I was born in Israel raised in Mass, NH, TN , and GA. lol but keep stereotyping hypocritically ass.Let's talk logic since I apparently have none according to you(arrogant cowardly imbecile). You honestly believe that gun legislation has worked anywhere in the world? It hasn't… Piers Morgan has said numerous times on his show that "Britain has 35 gun deaths per yr." To which I reply there were 926 murders in Britain that same year. by %'s it isn't as far apart as Josh thinks.
Excuse me I left out "REWARDING mediocrity is okay in life."
"..This gun fascination, is just an extension of that hate." What I'm trying to figure out here is why you don't understand the irony and hypocrisy in your statements. Guns protect you daily. Police officers, and military members usually have this same "Fascination"(as you so ignorantly put it) with these very machines for which YOUR life is protected with every day.That's like blaming HIV when you should be blaming wrong decisions..
BTW, community colleges service an imp. societal role in providing education for the less fortunate. An education, which you only feign at…clearly.
Sure, let me drop my MA from Auburn card and hope it covers up for my massive deficit in intellect. Now if you had half a brain, idiocies like your Churchill spiel: He owned guns, he didn’t end up killing people, therefore we should have lax gun regulation; wouldn’t even be considered. But, stay complacent in that false sense of security which your highly dubious education gives you, you’ll be right at home with most cliché dispensing clowns from the south.
Sure skippy…b/c of the one going on gun videos and spatting insults to a WIDE range of people that I never even met. We all know where you stand moron. We know.You're still pathetic…guns will always be around..and you lose again. Auburn University, M.A. in Psych. I also shoot weapons. Does that mean you're on another intellectual plane now? Are you somehow better than those that shoot at PAPER for a hobby? Look up "Moral Vanity" and see what you can come up with community college chimp.
Right , but the irony of your comment is that it sounds the most bigoted and hate mongering of any of the other comments on this video.You're stereotyping. I thought Liberals didn't believe in stereotyping? Hmm? I guess it applies but "only to the extent that it helps their naive, self righteous, and big government fixes everything mentality" … (I'm not a conservative nor am I a liberal by the way) Conservatives scare me socially, but liberals scare me even more in many, many more ways.