I choose not to get in to any gun debates. I have been sport shooting since I was a kid and I rather enjoy it. Remember, when shooting safety is absolutely number 1!
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oh i didn't know that you guy in California had the exact same guns laws as what we have here in Australia that insane wooo and guy got join a gun sporting club and you mag are limt to 10 rounds i think the Australian government copy your guy model lol
You've got the wrong music playing if you're going to reenact Ghost.
Pretty cool. Wasn't expecting to find this in the archives what with you living in the nanny state of California
Wow, all that garbage (empty shotgun hulls). People are slobs.
Hello JayTwoCents, I know this video is a couple years old but wanted to see if you are still into shooting your AR-15 or still own it? Like you I live in one of those States that are Government had to go put restrictions on these type of rifles , I live in NY State and have to follow the new law called NY Safe Act …I am going to be buying a new AR-15 soon and can not wait to go shoot it at the range this spring..
What was the cost ?
i dont get why this didnt get much veiws or likes guns are amazing and part of the reason our country has been founded hell it even made it in the amendments and are owned by many people im from a family that owns and has owned hundreds of pistols rifles shotguns SMG's Machine Guns you name it and not one person has been harmed yet
At 2:40 Goro himself took over. 4 arms!
At 4:25 Welcome to Ghost Recon: Wildlands!
More gun videos please.
how well does it run crysis?
Damn, glad I live in Wisconsin lol.
You need to leave Cali so you can get a 100 round beta mag
25 years out of the military and still get annoyed when people call their weapon a gun. LOL An AR15 is certainly not a gun. A weapon maybe a rifle, but certainly not a gun.
i really liked your point on the polymer lowers being an advancement
Computers cars and guns, all you'll ever need.
In Cali I'm sure it's real fun to try and get your hands on larger mags for those.
how much did you end up paying in total I'm looking to build an ar15 also
Had a Windham Weaponry SRC but sold that now getting a core 15 tac 3 in sniper grey cerakote
Thanks for addressing our foolish restrictions
Beautiful color combo
guess shoooting in video games is alot easier xD
Now, liberals also wants to ban firearm related videoes/channels aswell cause guess what? They dont like the 1st amendment either….
glad I don't live in commiefornia
What's that rifle at 6:58?
computers and firearms?! I love you. <3 Any plans to put flip up sights on it? I would really suggest that unless you carry a battery in your kit. Its so easy to forget to turn your optic off. Also check out Mag Magnet. It helps with that pesky bullet button. =) Seeing as your from Cali too, im sure you know about that already. Love your channel even more now. Keep up the great work
That is a beautiful lower receiver.
I am sorry the ar 15 is a man killer. sporting? that is a safe title.
i live in Texas and have a para double stack 1911 chambered in 45 acp a glock 17c
a ar 15 from a local builder runnerrunner guns an ak47 a mossberg 500 and lots and lots of ak 47 100 round chines drum's and ar 15 beta 100 round mags. cool to see you build pc as well as rifles love the show
congrats on getting your super b back up and running
You just went up 10 notches in my book Jay! Thought the looney Liberals of California didn't extend the 2nd Amendment right to there citizens?
was that a 1911? awsum