Home AR-15 AR-MPR AR-15 Build: Upper Part 1: Ejection Port Cover and Forward Assist

AR-MPR AR-15 Build: Upper Part 1: Ejection Port Cover and Forward Assist


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Please join me on as I walk through a complete AR-15 adventure starting with a from-scratch AR-15 build. In this video, we’ll install the ejection port cover and forward assist assembly.
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  1. In case the bolt doesn't go all the way forward into battery, you can use it to push the bolt forward, if you fire the gun with the bolt partway back, it's really dangerous and can mes up your upper and bolt carrier group

  2. How come when I was out shooting I loaded a new mag and racked the charging handle but the bolt only closed about halfway. I tapped the forward assist pretty hard and the bolt still stayed open untill it finally closed by itself.

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