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Please join me on as I walk through a complete AR-15 adventure starting with a from-scratch AR-15 build. In this video, we’ll install the ejection port cover and forward assist assembly.
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Honestly this is the best way to do it. Best video yet! I didnt have a roll punch started so i used a toothpick to hold the forward assist in place. Worked like a charm
Good vid, but u really can't tell how he has done the spring for the dust cover. I did learn how to do it after watching a few times.
bro those teeth, those teeth are killing me!
Лучшие обзоры. Все четко то что нужно, качественно и понятно даже если не знаешь язык)). Спасибо!!!
Very well done videos excellent job!
Is there a second "c" clip on the ejection port cover rod?
Honest question… No type of lubrication at all on this build?
Thank you for making these videos. I'm a newbie and really appreciate the work you've done on these very, very helpful videos. *Tips hat to you*
In case the bolt doesn't go all the way forward into battery, you can use it to push the bolt forward, if you fire the gun with the bolt partway back, it's really dangerous and can mes up your upper and bolt carrier group
What's the point of the forward assist? Isn't it used to close the bolt after you reload?
Don't you need to make sure the forward assist is in a position where it will engage the bolt before driving in the roll pin?
clean and oil your bolt carrier.
Clean your rifle bubba.
the bolt probably wasn't far enough foreword for the assist to engage on the ridges on the bolt
How come when I was out shooting I loaded a new mag and racked the charging handle but the bolt only closed about halfway. I tapped the forward assist pretty hard and the bolt still stayed open untill it finally closed by itself.
@Fahrenheit38 If you watch his video on tools you will know
I might be crazy but I never seen punches number 1 2 or 3 or whatever. They are always like 1/8 or something. Do you have some sort of crazy metric punch set?
hey bud really liike the vids.
@edd217 It allows you to seal the bolt forward if it is fouled and doesn't close properly, which would lead to a failure to fire.
Great vid; my son and I watched a couple times and pop, were done; thx.
great video
do you need to take apart the entire barrel off to install?
I lost that damn c clip today. Fuck me.
Thanks a lot for making your videos, it's greatly appreciated. Great work too.
Thank you for posting these!
Great Vid. How much would you say you spent on the upper. Thanks man.
I can't wait to see them all. I'm familiar with the build process, but really want to see it done your way, Gavin.
so far so good