Home Nikon Nikon M-223 Scope Review

Nikon M-223 Scope Review


This is the Nikon M-223 1-4x 20mm scope with a Burris AR-P.E.P.R mount. Lots of features for the price!

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  1. What kind of groups can you shoot at 100 yards with this scope being its a 1-4 power? I really like this scope, but i am worried about the range. I want the ability to be able to shoot consistently out to 200 yards. Can this scope do this, if i do my part?

  2. I have been using SpotOn from the Nikon web site for the last 9 months from a Mac 10.6.8 and Windows 7 computer.  The program appears to have numerous bugs and I have been unable to match my actual ballistics with its predicted points of impact.  A good example of one of the bugs is when you are in the "Graph Trajectory Screen" if you enter a new bullet weight for "Load B" or "Load C" it has no effect when you push the "Show Graph" button.  Push the button at the bottom of the page to send them a comment.  After you type your comment on their form and push send button you will get an error message that your mail system is setup wrong.  Too bad Nikon can not get this to work, their optics are outstanding but you will not be able to use their ballistic marks unless you go to a range and record their spread at every 100yds.  

  3. Nice review! BTW, your trigger follow through could be better to make for even more accuracy. Keep the trigger depressed for a second, basically until the rifle completes its cycle of actions. Thanks for the review!

  4. Very nice! I'm very glad I watched your video.  I'm very new to high powered rifles and really have wanted one for years.  I have on order a DPMS 3G1 .308 and I've been told by many, many people that Nikon is the way to go.  I will be getting the M-308 BDC 4-16.  What I really like are those mounts in your video.  I'm thinking about getting that mount to complement the scope with a red dot mounted on top.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. The mount is not the quick release one. I really like the scope. I do find that in the evenings it's a little difficult to see the crosshairs. An illuminated reticle would be nice, but for the cash, I still like this one a lot. I'm glad you like the video. Thanks – Will

  6. This is the same set-up I've been thinking about. Is your PEPR mount the Quick Release model? I just noticed this video was made about 2 years ago, how has the scope been holding up? Has your opinions changed at all. I'm wanting a scope that will do it all, from HD to hunting Coyotes and I noticed MidwayUSA has this model on sale right now. Great video man, I'm subbing!

  7. Search in YOUTUBE for "AR-15, MAKE YOUR SCOPE FIT YOU ". Watch that vid, then set your scope on it highest power and follow the process in the video. It may save you some time and give you a perfect eye releaf set up to match your scope to you. Also, the M223 is a very good mid price range scope for your AR or any 223/5.56. I think you will enjoy it. ( you also now have a great coyote set up! )

  8. @GunsKnivesSurvival Yeah I'll send it to them but I don't like the repair process so far. They have a form you fill out on their site then you send them the scope with the form and they will either fix it under warranty or email you the cost to repair. Better not cost me anything since it's only been 10 days since I bought it.

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